Student profile

Kirsty Francois

"The staff and tutors at Surrey have been extremely supportive throughout my training. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a student and my confidence in my abilities has grown."


Midwifery (Registered Midwife) BSc (Hons)

Entry year


Choosing Surrey

The Clinical Simulation Centre was a massive selling point for me. As a kinaesthetic learner, I gain a better understanding and pick things up a lot easier by being able to have a go at it and get stuck in. 

My course

I am passionate about midwifery because of the maternity care I received as a teen mother. The midwives who took care of me inspired me to want to pass it on to others, as many other teen mothers I knew or met throughout life had had negative experiences and felt judged by those caring for them.  

The course at Surrey is very hands-on. You can do role-play in the simulation centre, which I hated at first as I preferred to use it for practising my clinical skills, but the more you do it and deeper into the course you get you realise how much it helps. They even do a Christmas simulation experience, which is so relaxed and hilarious. The actors are great sports and really go for it, it’s a great way to end the first semester of the year. 

"The simulation centre has been a great asset to mastering my clinical skills and I advise anyone who has the opportunity to use it to make the most of it." 

Clinical placement

I completed my clinical placements at a locality near where I live as I have kids. 

The placements involved carrying out basic observations (blood pressure, respiration rate, heart rate), building rapport with women and their families and carrying out investigations (venepuncture). I got to practise my clinical skills and was given lots of support by the mentors that I worked with which built up my confidence. 

Next steps

The staff and tutors at Surrey have been extremely supportive throughout my training. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a student and my confidence in my abilities has grown. The simulation centre has been a great asset to mastering my clinical skills and I advise anyone who has the opportunity to use it to make the most of it. 

Once I graduate, I want to train to be a specialist teenage midwife or work within a continuity of carer team. 


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