Student profile
Image of Isabelle


If you are thinking about studying International Event Management at Surrey, I would say do it. University is a great way to grow as a person and studying this course allows you to be creative and learn so much!

What do you like about your course and why?

My favourite thing about my course is the fact that it is a supportive cohort. This means that throughout the degree I have made new friends and have had consistent support from my course mates. 

Additionally, I think that the teaching within the degree is great! Being taught by industry leaders is a privilege and gives great insight into the world of events. 

What do you enjoy most about Surrey?

The thing I enjoy most about Surrey is the people. Whilst being at Surrey, I have met my best friends and this has allowed me to grow as a person and make amazing memories. 

Tell us about your experience of studying abroad

In 2022, I completed a semester abroad at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, USA. Still to this day, it was the best 5 months of my life. 

Whilst there, I met amazing people who will be friends for life, made memories that will last a lifetime and extended my knowledge about the events industry globally. My highlight of my study abroad experience would definitely have to be going on a cruise around the Bahamas during Thanksgiving break! 

What do you want to do when you graduate?

After graduation, I am due to start a job at the Bank of England as an events organiser. 

It has always been my goal to organise corporate events and having a degree in Event Management definitely helped me be successful in the interview and ultimately land the job. 

What advice would you give to new students?

If you are thinking about studying International Event Management at Surrey, I would say do it. University is a great way to grow as a person and studying this course allows you to be creative and learn so much!