Student profile

Emily Hilling

"The teaching staff and facilitators on the course always celebrate our successes and coach us through the challenging times, providing invaluable advice and feedback to help us develop into rounded educators."


Education for Health Professionals PGCert

Entry year


Why I chose Surrey 

I completed my Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Adult Nursing) BSc (Hons) at the University of Surrey as an undergraduate. During my nursing career, I worked through the Covid-19 pandemic on the high dependency unit. I found that educating other healthcare professionals, from students to other registered nurses, was a career path that I could see myself pursuing. I knew that transitioning into a role in full-time education would enable me to deliver high-quality patient care on a wider scale and allow me to make an impact on the future generation of nurses. This is what led me to the Education for Health Professionals PGCert at Surrey. 

My course 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on this course, learning amongst a group of healthcare professionals who come from a range of different backgrounds and clinical areas. It’s been insightful to share all our knowledge and past experiences to support and learn from each other and it's been interesting to see the difference between how students were supported at a university level and out in practice. This ultimately helped bridge the gap by exploring the two perspectives, understanding the expectations of both areas and suggesting new innovative strategies for our learners going forward.  

"The learning environment and resources in the school are incredible, but it is how they are used which makes the biggest impact."

The teaching staff and facilitators on the course are a pillar of support. They are not only educators but mentors; they engrain the philosophy that teaching is a sacred profession that is not a science, but an art form that assists in discovery. They always celebrate our successes and coach us through the challenging times, providing invaluable advice and feedback to help us develop into rounded educators. They are always available and make time for you when needed. 

The healthcare facilities at the Kate Granger Building are second to none. The learning environment and resources in the school are incredible, but it is how they are used which makes the biggest impact. The teaching staff signposted us to support services and integrated academic skills sessions to prepare us for our assessments, which prepared me for writing at Level 7.  

The most significant moment for me was completing my first practical teaching assessment in the Art of Learning and Teaching module. The session was on ‘Respiratory Assessment’ and I remember feeling incredibly nervous but excited as this is a topic I’m passionate about and have a good level of knowledge in. I remember leaving that session absolutely elated. The positive feedback from both students and my assessor made the experience so motivating and gratifying. The continuous learner engagement throughout the session solidified that education was the right choice for me and kick-started my career as a lecturer.  

My career and development 

I was working within clinical practice before transitioning into full-time education and this course helped me to adapt to the new working environment. It provided me with a foundation of knowledge around education and the underpinning theories and I was able to apply these newly learnt concepts whilst teaching on a regular basis. However, it mainly provided me with increased confidence and enabled me to develop as a more assured university educator. I have built friendships and partnerships with peers from the course and will continue to have working relationships with colleagues on the course. 

My advice 

Surrey is the best for a reason. It has all the bells and whistles which is fantastic, but it's how these bells and whistles are used that make the experience incomparable to anywhere else. The friendly, welcoming and encouraging environment will be apparent the moment you walk through the door - so come and find out for yourself!  


Find out more about our postgraduate courses in health sciences, including our Education for Health Professionals PGCert.

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