Graduate profile
Chutima Termsuk

Chutima Termsuk

Many of our masters students progress on to a PhD in an area they’re passionate about, while others take up a wide range of exciting roles in industry. On graduation day, we caught up with Chutima Termsuk, who studied for our Medical Physics MSc and is now undertaking a PhD at Surrey in radiation dosimetry.


Medical Physics MSc

Graduation year


Why did do decide to do your masters at Surrey?

I was working as a physicist with the government in Thailand and wanted to study medical physics because it was a subject I found very interesting. No less than four of my colleagues had studied here and had a great experience, telling me about the good friends they’d made and the friendly staff – so it came highly recommended!

What were the best things about your masters course?

One of the things I found most valuable was the site visits we went on to hospitals, which enabled us to see how medical physicists work in the real world. Undertaking the dissertation as part of the course was also a good experience, and it was great to be able to choose from a range of different projects recommended by our supervisor.

Why were you attracted to medical physics?

I wanted to do something that could make a difference to people’s lives, so the idea of learning more about how radiation can be used to treat cancer, for example, appealed to me. My masters research explored the use of silica beads for dosimetry (measuring radiation), which is part of the research work begun by former PhD student Shakardohkt Jafari. In my PhD, I’m focusing on studying silica-based fibres for radiation dosimetry.

You chose to stay at Surrey for your PhD. Why do you think it’s such a great place to study?

I decided to stay for my PhD because I was enjoying my life here, with lots of friends and a great supervisor. Guildford is a lovely city and Surrey is a fantastic University with some fantastic facilities including its outstanding library.

As an international student I have felt part of a vibrant community here right from the beginning of my masters, during which I shared a flat in university accommodation at Manor Park with other international students.


Discover our courses in physics, including our Medical Physics MSc and Physics PhD.

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