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SGS events

Forthcoming Events:
International Women's Day Research Showcase: SGS Intersectional Feminist Research 
This online panel event will take place on Wednesday 19 March, 2-3.30 pm
Saher Bano, '“Third World, Lesbian Caliban” and “The Second Women”: Towards a queer intersectional hermeneutics'
Anthea Benjamin, 'Intersectional experience of Black women and experiences of racisms within therapy trainings'
Chigozirim Miracle Nwaosu, 'Rethinking the Category of Woman in Troy Onyango’s "The Transfiguration" (2016)'
Beth Roberts, 'White Femininity as Self-Victimisation: Escaping Retribution in the Boy Parts novel (2020) and play (2023)'
Sarah Wingrove, 'Contextualising 'curiosity': Recent efforts to recover Eliza Raine (1791-1860)
Recent Events:
Landmarking Guildford's Queer History held on Sat 9 Nov 2024 

This event took participants on an immersive audio treasure hunt to meet your LGBTQIA+ elders. 

We walked in the footsteps of lesbian and gender nonconforming icon Anne Lister aka Gentleman Jack, explored the love nest of Edward II and Piers Gaviston, hear about the tragic story of Alan Turing, and met Felix Holling, the trans archaeologist who ran Guildford Museum for many years.

After visiting the haunts of these and other figures of Guildford's queer history, the amazing community organisation Blossom put together a creative activity and space for socialising.

This University of Surrey event was part of Being Human Festival, the UK’s national festival of the humanities, that took place 7–16 November 2024, and was led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, with generous support from Research England, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. For further information please see


Understanding risk in commercial sex markets: The case of men who visit full-service sex workers

This event was held on Friday 1 Nov 2024  online 

How do men who engage with and visit full-service sex workers understand and perceive law enforcement risk associated with it? To what extent do changes in legislation may impact on their willingness to visit service providers? Under what circumstances may clients become ‘accountable active participants’ in commercial sex markets? 

University of Surrey’s Dr Giulia Berlusconi explored the key findings from the Understanding Risk in Commercial Sex Markets study, which she conducted with Dr Luca Giommoni (Cardiff University) and was funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grants scheme. 


'The Day of the Princess': Contemporary Understandings of the Disney Princess Phenomenon Symposium
was held on Wednesday 16th October 2024 (Hybrid)
The Medieval Research Group in collaboration with SGS hosted a research seminar with visiting PhD student Hannah Victoria Johnson (Sorbonne) "Queer Studies and Cognitive Linguistics: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Reading Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Mystical Texts" on Tuesday 30 July 2-3.30pm (in person  and via Teams)
SGS Research Showcase: A Historical Journey in Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Research
We were excited to hold an SGS Research Showcase Event on Wednesday, February 21 2024, co-hosted by Oscar Hoyle from LGBT Blossom. Members of SGS demonstrated the fantastic range of research we do in SGS and Oscar presented the work LGBT Blossom does.

  • 2.00. Teresa Pilgrim - Female masculinities and the environment in early mediaeval texts, 700-1000
  • 2.15. Lena Mattheis - Queer pronoun use in literature
  • 2.30. Katherine Hubbard - History of aversion therapy/queer feminist history in psychology
  • 2.45. Chigozirim Miracle Nwaosu - Afro-queerness and migration in Helon Habila's Travellers and Jude Dibia's Walking with Shadows
  • 3.00. Fabio Fasoli – Voice-based intersectionality, the case of nationality and sexual orientation
  • 3.15. Oscar Hoyle - LGBT Blossom
  • 3.30. David Griffiths - Intersex storytelling
  • 3.45. Giulia Berlusconi - Men who pay for sexual services in England & Wales
  • 4.00. final remark