Equality, diversity and inclusion
In our School we are committed to a diverse and inclusive environment, ensuring equal opportunities for all, independently of their race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristic.
Athena Swan Bronze Award

The Athena Swan Charter encourages and rewards work to promote gender equality in universities. The charter covers academic, professional and support staff working in all disciplines, focusing on their representation, the progression of students into academia, and the journey through career milestones.
Participation in the Athena Swan Charter is a key part of our ethos. Staff, students and alumni here work every day to help build a more sustainable world and, as part of this, we are committed to putting sustainability at the heart of our work.
We are delighted to announce that in September 2023, the previous Bronze awards were transferred into the name of the School of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering at Bronze level and that the award will remain valid until 31 March 2028. The Athena Swan Bronze Award shows our progress and commitment to the Athena Swan Charter and underlines the progress and commitment to equality and diversity within our Centre and the wider university.

Celebrating our women in civil engineering
Our civil engineering degree courses have proved a successful training ground for female civil engineers who are now forging their way in the world’s leading engineering companies.