School of Social Sciences people

Our senior leadership team supports staff and students to thrive as part of a new school community.  We aim to bring together our disciplines of economics, law, sociology, politics and international relations to enhance our understanding of the world, learn from each other, and give students an experience that is discipline-led but connected to broader skills and ideas.

Senior leadership team

Head of the School of Social Sciences

Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov profile image

Professor Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov

Head of the School of Social Sciences | Professor of Law

Associate Heads of School

Dr Venetia Evergeti

Associate Head of School, Education

Vickie Thanapal profile image

Dr Vickie Thanapal

Deputy Associate Head of School, Education

Jo Blanden profile image

Professor Jo Blanden

Associate Head of School, Research and Innovation

Joshua Andresen profile image

Dr Joshua Andresen

Associate Head of School, External Engagement

Heads of Disciplines

Ira Lindsay profile image

Dr Ira Lindsay

Head of Surrey Law School

Andrew King profile image

Professor Andrew King

Head of Sociology

Amelia Hadfield profile image

Professor Amelia Hadfield

Head of Politics and International Relations