
We maintain strong links with industry via both research activities and professional training.

Recruit our students

We offer our undergraduate students the chance to do a Professional Training placement which involves them working in industry for a year. This is great experience for the student and is also a great opportunity for businesses to have an extra helping hand.

Our University has been operating its student placement scheme for over forty years, earning widespread respect from employers and professional institutions.

About Professional Training placements

A Professional Training placement runs for a year, usually in the students third year of their undergraduate course. You will be able to choose a student that meets your criteria and plan the training and work programme that they will follow, as well as participating in their assessment on completion of the placement.

The student will be assigned a tutor who will visit them three times during their placement to monitor and assess their progress and this tutor will be your point of contact throughout the year. The student will need to complete three progress reports and a final report during the placement to explain how they are professionally and personally developing and they will give a presentation about the placement when they return to their studies.

Why offer a placement?

  • The chance to identify and recruit top students
  • Develop a students understanding of your business with the potential to hire them after graduation
  • Build a wider relationship with our University and use our expertise to further improve your business
  • Help develop young minds and give them a great industry experience.

Businesses we have worked with

As a department, we have built up strong relationships with top companies in the UK and abroad.

  • Airbus
  • Arup
  • Atkins
  • BAE Systems
  • Cummins
  • GE Aviation
  • General Motors
  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • Pfizer
  • Noble Denton.


We know that we will receive many more good applications for placements from students at the University of Surrey than from any other university. We are always impressed by their focus, commitment and the way they present themselves for interview. Dave Harper, Engineering Training Manager, NATS
We support industrial year students from Surrey each year - these students show great potential for their level of experience, and often return to 2H following graduation to begin their careers. Rob Fanner, Glen Jewell, Engineering Team Leader, 2H Offshore

Offer a placement

We require placements to start between July and October of each year, to fall in-line with the academic teaching year. Full clarification of the responsibilities of yourself, the student and the tutor are contained in the placement agreement which will be signed by all parties at the start of the placement.

If you would like to advertise a placement for our students then please email Federica Cetara at with:

  • Short company description
  • Job description
  • Start date (between July and October)
  • How the student applies (CV, application form etc)
  • Application deadline.