Research papers
This page showcases the most recent books and papers published by our faculty. To see all publications of any individual researcher, please consult their personal profiles.
Publications by year
Francesco Giglio, 'Roman Dominium and the Common-Law Concept of Ownership' (2022) 86.1 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) 91.
David Monciardini, Carl Dalhammar, Rosalind Malcolm, 'Introduction to the special issue on regulating the circular economy: Gaps, insights, and an emerging research agenda' (2022) 350 Journal of Cleaner Production 1.
- Francesco Giglio, 'The Jurist's Mind' (2021) VII.5 JUS Online: Rivista di Scienze giuridiche 159
Ambrose Lee, 'Blameworthiness and the Outcomes of One's Actions' (2021) Criminal Law and Philosophy - Mikołaj Barczentewicz, 'Cart Challenges, Empirical Methods, and Effectiveness of Judicial Review' (2021) Modern Law Review
- Mikołaj Barczentewicz, 'Cart Judicial Reviews Through the Lens of the Upper Tribunal' (2021) Judicial Review (forthcoming)
- Bo Wang, ‘Complicity Liability: English and Chinese Approaches Compared’ (2021) 8 Journal of International and Comparative Law 175
- Melissa Hamilton, ‘Investigating Algorithmic Risk and Race’ (2021) 5 UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review 53
- Ira Kenneth Lindsay, ‘A Defense of Humean Property Theory’ (2021) 27 Legal Theory 36
- Melissa Hamilton, ‘Evaluating Algorithmic Risk Assessment’ (2021) 24 New Criminal Law Review 156
- Ira Kenneth Lindsay, ‘Convention, Social Trust, and Legal Interpretation’ in Kevin Vallier and Michael Weber (eds), Social Trust (Routledge 2021)
- Arman Sarvarian, ‘The Ossified Debate on a UN Convention on State Responsibility’ (2021) 70.3 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 769
- Bo Wang, ‘Mistaking Theft: Dishonest ‘Turns over a New Leaf’’ (2021) 20 Journal of Criminal Law 1
- Ira Kenneth Lindsay, ‘In Praise of Nonconformity’ (2021) 61 Santa Clara Law Review 745
- Mikołaj Barczentewicz, ‘Teaching Technology to (Future) Lawyers’ (2021) 2021 Erasmus Law Review 1
- Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco and George Pavlakos (eds.), Agency, Negligence and Responsibility (Cambridge University Press 2021)
- Prof. Ryan Abbott, The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
- Dr Hrafn Asgeirsson, On the Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020).
- Dr Ambrose Lee, review of Beyond Punishment? (OUP 2019) by Zachary Hoskins (March 2020) Criminal Law and Justice Books.
- Dr Stephen Bero, 'Holding Responsible and Taking Responsibility' (2020) Law and Philosophy.
- Dr Ken Ehrenberg, 'Medical complicity and the legitimacy of practical authority' (2020) Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 12.
- Dr Noreen O'Meara, 'Tackling the plastics pollution crisis through the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive: context, scope and implementation challenges' (2020) 25 Environmental Liability.
- Dr Stephen Bero and Professor Alex Sarch, 'The Problem of Over-Inclusive Offenses: A Closer Look at Duff on Legal Moralism and Mala Prohibita' (2020) 14 Criminal Law and Philosophy 395.
- Dr Christopher P. Taggart, 'A response to the problem of wild coincidences' (2020) Synthese.
- Prof Verónica Rodríguez-Blanco, 'Tracing Finnis’s criticism of Hart’s Internal Point of View: Instability and the ‘Point’ of Human Action in Law'. In: Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism (Editors Patricia Mindus and Torben Spaak), Cambridge University Press.
- Dr Noreen O'Meara et al, 'The Joint Enterprise Appeals Project: a crucible for student empowerment and activism?' (2020) Student Empowerment in Higher Education.
- Dr Noreen O'Meara, 'Extradition Through the Lens of Brexit: The UK, Ireland, and Future Extradition Prospects' (2020) Irish Journal of European Law.
- Prof. Rosalind Malcolm et al, 'The Potential for Citizen Science to Improve the Reach of Sanitary Inspections' (2020) 9 Resources 142.
- Prof. Rosalind Malcolm et al, 'Does Training Improve Sanitary Inspection Answer Agreement between Inspectors? Quantitative Evidence from the Mukono District, Uganda' (2020) 9 Resources 120.
- Dr Joshua Andresen, 'The Paradox of Precision and the Weapons Review Regime', forthcoming in The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence.
- Dr Ira Lindsay, (2019) Benefits Theories of Tax Fairness In: Studies in the History of Tax Law. Hart Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 93-122.
- Dr Marie Newhouse, (2019). 'The Legislative Authority' 24(4) Kantian Review
- Dr Marie Newhouse and Howard Williams (eds) (2019). 'Special Issue on Kant and Law' 24(4) Kantian Review
- Dr Marie Newhouse, (2019). 'Juridical Law as a Categorical Imperative' in Ruhi Demiray & Alice Pinheiro Walla (eds), Reason, Rights and Law: New Essays on Kantian Philosophy (Cardiff: University of Wales Press), pp. 105-125.
- Dr Alex Sarch, Criminally Ignorant (Oxford University Press 2019).
- Marton Ribary, “Rabbinic literature and Roman-Byzantine legal compilations,” in The Routledge Handbook of Jews and Judaism in Late Antiquity. Edited by Catherine Hézser. (London: Routledge, 2021) (Contrary to common scholarly assumption, the relationship of Rabbinic literature and Roman-Byzantine legal compilations is best characterised by indifference. The chapter argues that comparative study is more likely to produce insights about their structural and conceptual characteristics rather than their history.)
- Prof. Rosalind Malcolm, Dr Noreen O'Meara et al (2019), Recycle, Reuse, Renew: Food packaging pledges and promises in the fight against plastic pollution.
- Dr Melissa Hamilton, 'The Biased Algorithm' (2019) 56 (4) American Criminal Law Review
- Prof. Rosalind Malcolm, 'Life Cycle Thinking as a Legal Tool: A Codex Rerum' (2019) 15 Law, Environment and Development Journal 1-17
- Dr Melissa Hamilton, ‘Debating Algorithmic Fairness’ (2019) 52 (4) UC Davis Law Review Online, 261
- Mikolaj Barczentewicz, 'I Am Not Your (Founding) Father' in Richard Albert, Nishchal Basnyat, Menaka Guruswamy (eds), Founding Moments in Constitutionalism (Hart Publishing 2019, forthcoming).
- Prof. Ryan Abbott and Dr Alex Sarch, ‘Punishing Artificial Intelligence: Legal Fiction or Science Fiction’ (2019) UC Davis Law Review, Forthcoming
- Dr Bo Wang, ‘A Normative Case for Abolishing the Doctrine of Extended Joint Criminal Enterprise’ (2019) 83 (2) The Journal of Criminal Law, 144.
- Dr Ambrose Lee, Arguing Against the Expressive Function of Punishment: Is the Standard Account that Insufficient? (2019) Law and Philosophy
- Dr Steve Bero, 'The audience in shame' (2019) Philosophical Studies.
- Prof. Ryan Abbott, 'Everything Is Obvious' (2019) 66 UCLA Law Review 2. (Inventive machines pose existential threat to current patent norms and standards.)
- Dr Christopher P. Taggart, ‘Retributivism, Ultimate Responsibility, and Agent Causalism’ (2019) Tulsa Law Review (forthcoming).
- Dr Arman Sarvarian, ‘Procedural Economy at the International Court of Justice’ (2019) The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 18(1):74-100.
- Mikolaj Barczentewicz (with Alice Schneider), review of Andrew Arato, The Adventures of the Constituent Power (2019) American Journal of Comparative Law (forthcoming) (with Alice Schneider).
- Dr Bo Wang, Participation in Crimes: An End to Derivative Complicity Liability? (Law Press China 2018).
- Dr Kenneth Ehrenberg, 'The Institutionality of Legal Validity' (2018) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
- Mikolaj Barczentewicz, 'The Illuminati Problem and Rules of Recognition' (2018) 38 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 3, 500-527.
- Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco (ed) (with others), Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin (Oxford University Press, 2018). As well as chapter 'Dworkin's Dignity Under the Lens of the Magician of Königsberg' (ibid.).
- Prof. Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov (ed), Neurolaw and Responsibility for Action: Concepts, Crimes, and Courts (Cambridge University Press 2018).
- Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco and Pilar Zambrano, ‘One Myth of the Classical Natural Law Theory: Reflecting on the 'Thin' view of Legal Positivism’ (2018) 31 (1) Ratio Juris pp. 9-32.
- Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘Is Practical Knowledge Prior to Theoretical Knowledge in Action? Reflecting on Anscombe's Institutional Transparency’ (2018) 52 (3) Journal of Value Inquiry pp. 257-267.
- Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘Processes and Artifacts: The Principles are in the Author Herself’ in Law as an Artefact (Oxford University Press, 2018).
- Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘What Makes a Transnational Rule of Law? Understanding the Logos and Values of Human Action in Transnational Law’ in Unpacking Normativity (Hart-Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018) 209-26.
- Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘Authority of Law’ in Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation (Springer Netherlands, 2018) 219-40