Supporting learners in practice
We are pleased to announce the development of our educational provision for Supporting Learners in Practice (SLiP) for:
- Practice supervisor
- Practice assessor.
Please note: This replaces the Mentorship module.
The roles of practice supervisor and practice assessor are based on the new NMC “Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment” published in May 2018. HCPC registrants are also encouraged to engage in this provision to ensure the delivery of safe and effective learning experiences.
To achieve this, we have designed the developmental study days:
- Supporting Learners in Practice (SLiP) - Practice Supervisor
- Supporting Learners in Practice (SLiP) Practice Assessor.
Credits / level of study
There are no academic credits attached to the supporting learners in practice study days, therefore you will not be required to undertake an assignment. However, you will be required to complete a practice portfolio for each competency to demonstrate that you have met the competencies within the standards. This will be signed off by the learning environment lead your organisation.
Delivery of study days
The Coronavirus pandemic currently prevents face to face teaching, therefore two free online study days are now available.
The study days take a self-directed online approach. A variety of resources are utilised giving participants the opportunity to engage in a variety of teaching and learning strategies will be utilised throughout the module giving an opportunity to engage in a positive learning journey.
Entry requirements
Important note: Please contact your employers/ manager prior to undertaking these online learning packages as they will need to keep an accurate record of the supervisors and assessor within your organisation.
You must be a registered health and social care professional working in a clinical environment supporting learner.
You must be a registered healthcare professional supporting and assessing learners within a clinical environment who are intending to enter the same profession as you.
The NMC (2018) states that student midwives will be assessed by midwives, and student nurses will be assessed by nurses (although this does not need to be field specific). Likewise the HCPC (2017) states that student paramedics are assessed by registered paramedics who have undertaken practice educator development.
Course structure
- To develop into the practice supervisor role only you will need to complete the practice supervisor study day.
- To become a practice assessor please complete both the practice supervisor and practice assessor study days.
- It is anticipated that completion of both the practice supervisor and practice assessor online developmental study days will take around two days.
- Three narrated PowerPoint presentations
- An activity booklet
- A practice supervisor/ practice assessor portfolio – this becomes your evidence of completion of the development package and is signed off by the Learning Environment Lead / Practice Development Team within your organisation.
- Three narrated PowerPoint presentations
- An activity booklet
- A practice supervisor/ practice assessor portfolio – this becomes your evidence of completion of the development package and is signed off by the Learning Environment Lead / Practice Development team within your organisation.
Supporting learners in practice study days
Follow the links below to access our study materials.
Practice supervisor online study day
One day in total, consisting of:
- Role and responsibilities
- Coaching
- Facilitating student learning in clinical practice settings
- Feedback and feedforward
- Activity booklet
- Practice supervisor passport ( provides evidence of completion).
Before you begin please download the following documents:
Narrated PowerPoint presentations
- Part one: Role of the practice supervisor
- Part two: Facilitating a learning experience and providing constructive feedback
- Part three: Coaching a workshop
PowerPoint presentations
Practice assessor online study day
One day in total, consisting of:
- Completion of the practice supervisor development
- Role and responsibilities of the practice assessor
- Assessment of learning
- Feedback
- Supporting the struggling student
- Accountability of the practice assessor
- Activity booklet
- Practice practice assessor passport (provides evidence of completion)
Before you begin please download the following documents:
- Activity workbook for midwifery (PDF)
- Activity workbook for nursing (PDF)
- Activity workbook for paramedics (PDF)
Please ensure you download the activity workbook that relates to your role, as the last activity involves completing an action plan for a student, based on a scenario that is specific to each role.
Narrated PowerPoint presentations
- Part one: Role of the practice assessor
- Part two: Assessment
- Part three: Feedback, struggling, student, accountability