Chemistry and chemical engineering research courses

Get involved in research that focuses on solving global grand challenges such as energy, water, environment, healthcare and food.


PhD studentship in mass spectrometry imaging

Funding information:

UKRI standard stipend (£18,622 for 2023-24) and fees with a generous funding allocation for research training support.

Developing hybrid physics-informed AI digital twins for bioenergy applications

Funding information:

We are offering the UKRI standard stipend (currently £18,622 per year) with an additional bursary of £1,700 per year for full 3.5 years for exceptional candidates. In addition, a research, training and support grant of £3,000 over the project is also offered. Full home or overseas tuition fees (as applicable) will be covered.

Application of Thermally Stimulated Current (TSC) Spectroscopy for Qualitative and Quantitative Characterisation of Amorphous Pharmaceutical Systems.

Funding information:

The funding offer includes 3.5 years of stipend (currently £18,622 per year) and tuition fees (at UK/home level) as well as travel allowance to attend (international) conferences. International applicants are welcome to apply but must identify a source to cover the difference between international and home tuition fees.

Expert support

The Doctoral College supports the academic and professional development of postgraduate researchers to ensure our world-leading research continues to grow. There is also an extensive Researcher Development Programme run at university level.

What our students say