Section of Cardiovascular Sciences
Learn more about the highly multidisciplinary and collaborative Section of Cardiovascular Sciences.
Our research
Our research encompasses a wide range of overarching disciplines and expertise, including:
- Pharmacology
- Cell and molecular biology
- Genetics
- Epigenetics
- Genomics
- Metabolomics
- Transgenic animal models
- Physiology
- Drug development
- Clinical intervention studies.
Current research interests
- The regulation of blood coagulation and the role the coagulation factors play in normal physiology and pathophysiology of disease
- Gene therapy approaches for cardiovascular disease
- Electrophysiological, structural and molecular mechanisms of cardiac disease
- The mechanisms mediating cardiac arrhythmias
- The role that cardiac fibroblasts play in heart physiology and pathology
- Harnessing the cell/material interactions for the design of tissue engineering solutions
- The role of calcium dependent signalling in the regulation of bladder function
- The role of inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress in bladder ageing and pathology.
Meet the team
Section lead

Dr Paola Campagnolo
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Cardiovascular Sciences
Section members

Dr Sarah Bailey
Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching, Senior Lecturer in Physiology

Dr Patrizia Camelliti
Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Molecular Science

Dr Mark Crabtree
Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Biochemistry

Dr Penny Lympany
Lecturer - Toxicology/Pharmacology

Dr Salvatore Santamaria
Lecturer in Cardiovascular Science

Dr Sarah Trinder
Associate Head of School - Education - School of Biosciences, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology

Professor Changhao Wu
Professor in Cell Physiology