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A task-based approach to doctoral education

Start date

February 2024

End date

October 2024


Recent research has highlighted the changing nature of doctoral education, which is viewed as a 'practice' within research, with little recognition of the role of pedagogy, the method and practice of teaching. The changing landscape of doctoral education has also had an impact on supervisors who need guidance on how to best support their doctoral students. 
This ESRC IAA funded project focused on this need for doctoral education to be planned, intentional, and scaffolded by purposeful tasks.  Dr Marion Heron along with her partners will work with doctoral students, to co-construct a set of pedagogic principles and a series of resources for doctoral education, evaluating their impact on supervisors and students. The resources will be organised into several broad themes encompassing: developing researcher identity, understanding the disciplinary context, understanding doctoral literacies and working with genres - and will be made available online through open access.


Planned Impact

Impact will be evidenced in the following ways: 
Conceptual: There will be awareness amongst doctoral supervisors of the relevance of a pedagogic approach to doctoral education including a need for focused tasks. 
Capacity building: Doctoral students will develop skills of materials design and experience of a co-constructed project working with doctoral supervisors. 
Instrumental: There will be some uptake of the Tasks to support doctoral education which will evidence a change in pedagogic approaches to doctoral education. 
Networks and connectivity: The investigators in the 3 institutions will develop closer working relationships and research / practice networks for further developments and iterations of this current project e.g. improve and enhance the tasks to support doctoral education. 
Success will have been achieved if the project provides the researchers with greater insights into the needs of supervisors and students in terms of the tasks, guidance and resources needed to support doctoral education. This would inform further iterations of the project and the materials.