Taeda Tech Project

The Taeda Tech Project is a collaborative demonstration project led by the University of Surrey that is committed to developing a novel aeroponic technology which can rapidly grow woody crops.

Start date

04 April 2022

End date

31 March 2025


With funding from BEIS under Phase 2 of their Biomass Feedstock Innovation Programme, as part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio, our multi-million-pound project aims to positively disrupt the bioenergy sector.

The IPCC report on mitigation demonstrates that bioenergy can provide a major opportunity to support climate change efforts and that, when used correctly, it is a negative emissions source of energy.

However, for the UK to begin expanding its bioenergy potential there is a considerable bottleneck in supply of biomass that needs to be addressed. Our innovation can do just this.

Our soilless technology can cultivate short rotation coppice (SRC) willow faster, achieve a higher yield, on a smaller land footprint and to a greater degree of quality compared to traditional agriculture.

We believe that our technology will enable the UK to confidently transition to cleaner energy technologies and so support efforts to achieve net zero.

Whilst research and development are at the heart of the project, we do have an eye on the bigger picture for commercial competitiveness. The project is collaborating with a host of leading academic and industrial partners.

Funding amount





  • Aberystwyth University
  • Capital Agri
  • Forest Research
  • LettUs Grow
  • NIAB
  • Rothamsted Research
  • UKUAT.

Research themes

Find out more about our research at Surrey: