A pre- and post-occupancy evaluation of GlobalHOM's adaptive living concept
Start date
01 April 2020End date
31 March 2022Project website
This work package is looking at facilitating the future propagation of the GlobalHOM adaptive living concept.
Showing a successful demonstration project does not inevitably lead to it being disseminated / replicated successfully elsewhere. It maybe the regional (political, socio-economic, legal or technical) context, differences in consumer behaviour and choice, or simply a different predominance of technology improvements or behaviour change as the success factor.
Research carried out here will identify why in the past (many) successful demonstration projects have not upscaled, when (fewer) demonstration projects have. This should be seen against a backdrop of the energy efficiency behaviours in the households and a much wider discussion of technology adoption and the barriers and drivers towards upscaling (or growth) of minigrids.
Aims and objectives
- What factors contribute to the successful dissemination of demonstration projects, what factors hinder them?
- What has been the balance in energy savings between technical and behavioural changes in demonstration projects so far?
- How can the demonstration projects be effectively disseminated?
Funding amount
Principal investigator

Dr Walter Wehrmeyer
Centre for Environment and Sustainability
See profileCo-investigators

Dr Chris Jones
School of Psychology
See profile
Cat Reeby
School of Psychology
Research themes
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