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Maximising impact of time restricted eating (TRE): understanding barriers and opportunities for health practitioners and patients

Start date

September 2022

End date

March 2023


Time restricted eating (TRE) is a new concept built upon our understanding of the basic biology that controls daily metabolic rhythms. Small-scale animal and human studies demonstrate that TRE has health benefits. The next step is to run a large, long-term clinical trial. However, before this can happen, we need to understand practicalities of implementing TRE in the real-world for patients and related healthcare professionals. This unique project will enable us to identify the considerations and barriers that must be considered before TRE can be applied to a large-scale clinical trial within the NHS and thus achieve national/international impact.



Short-term impact will be the development in understanding important aspects that will promote and hinder uptake and delivery of TRE within a clinical setting; via events (e.g., workshops and knowledge exchange sessions) engaging with the British Dietetic Association (BDA). Mid-term impact will arise from using the data to run a TRE clinical trial that is optimally designed with the views of patients and healthcare professionals at the forefront. Involvement of patients/professionals in clinical trial design is important from the viewpoint of optimal trial design.