How general practice team composition and climate relate to quality, effectiveness and human resource costs: a mixed-methods study in England.
Project website
This project examines routinely available data sets using quantitative research techniques alongside qualitative methods for in-depth investigation of team working in practices. The research is being undertaken in collaboration with the Universities of Kent, Exeter and Leeds.
Two panels are advising the research team. Service users from a variety of practices in Kent and Surrey sit on the Service User Panel. Representatives from many of the disciplines working in general practice teams come together on the Professionals and Commissioners Panel.
Principal investigator
Professor Heather Gage
Professor of Health Economics
Heather Gage graduated with a BA (Hons) Economics and an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning Studies from the University of Reading. Subsequently, she gained a PhD in Health Services Research from the University of Surrey and became Professor of Health Economics in 2012. As Director of Surrey Health Economics Centre, Heather oversees a varied portfolio of applied health and social care projects. She has held visiting positions at the Boston University School of Public Health and the Centre for Health Quality, Outcomes and Economic Research of the US Veterans Healthcare Administration.
Mr Phelim Brady
Public and Patient Involvement Lead
Professor John Campbell
University of Exeter
Dr Rupa Chilvers
Tangerine Bee Analysts
Dr Claire Fuller
Senior Responsible Officer, Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
Dr Mark Joy
Senior Lecturer in Data Modelling and Population Health
Dr Catherine Marchand Marchand
University of Kent
Professor Suzanne Richards
University of Leeds
Professor Karen Spilsbury
University of Leeds
Professor Simon de Lusignan
University of Oxford
Project Manager
Dr Bridget Jones
Research Fellow and Health Psychologist
Research themes
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