Developing effective climate policy in a multi-authority local area
Start date
November 2020End date
January 2022Overview
This project explores climate policy governance in a multi-level local authority area via a case study of Surrey based on interviews with climate policy actors across sectors and local government levels. It poses these questions:
- How can we develop and coordinate climate policy effectively at local level?
- How can a local authority area such as a county, with multiple elected councils, a wide range of stakeholders, a complex web of cross-sector partnerships, and a mix of towns, suburbs and rural areas, best organise itself to make climate strategies work?
As a multi-authority county on the edge of London, with local councils ranging from highly urbanised areas to largely rural districts, Surrey needs to bring together a very diverse set of stakeholders in climate governance. The county’s local authorities are developing their own climate strategies; so are many stakeholder organisations. Surrey is home to several strategic partnerships - on energy and nature conservation, for example. So, the governance scene is rich and complex and stakeholders agree that there is a need for clarity and coherence in orchestration of climate action.
This project is examining these issues via mapping of policy actors and strategies, interviews and literature review.
Aims and objectives
- Identify challenges, opportunities and effective practice for SCC and partners in mobilising and coordinating action across sectors and tiers of governance
- Generate case studies, tools and guidelines on effective climate governance in a multi-level local government system such Surrey
- Identify indicators and management tools for multi-level climate governance for SCC and partners, and for PCAN stakeholders.
Funding amount
£2,8920 +VAT
Principal investigator

Ian Christie
Centre for Environment and Sustainability
See profileCo-investigator

Dr Erica Russell
Centre for Environment and Sustainability
Academic papers are in development and events are planned for quarter one of 2022. Policy and practice briefing notes will be produced alongside a final report to PCAN.