Codes of practice

The following Codes of practice are in operation for 2024/25. 

Code of practice 2024/25Relevant webpage and additional guidance

Senate Governance (without Appendices) (PDF)

(formerly known as the code of practice for academic governance)

Senate Governance Structure (PDF)

Senate Governance - Appendices

Terms of reference and membership of Senate substructure committees and groups: Appendices 1 - 26.

Code of practice for Postgraduate Admissions 2025/26 (PDF)

Code of practice for Postgraduate Research Admissions 2025/26 (PDF)

Code of practice for Undergraduate Admissions 2025/26 (PDF)

Admissions policies for undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research courses.
Code of practice for assessment and feedback 2024/25 (PDF) - Revised by UEC on 10.12.2024
Methods of mark adjustment (pptx)
Mark adjustment algorithm 1: Z-Score (xlsx)
Mark adjustment algorithm 2: quadratic scaling (xlsx)
Mark adjustment algorithm 3: 3-point piecewise linear scaling (xlsx)
Mark adjustment algorithm 4: 4-point piecewise linear scaling (xlsx)

On 10/12/2024, University Education Committee approved a new set of principles on Provision of Examination Solutions to Students (PDF). Where possible, this should be implemented in the current academic year. From 2025/26, these principles will be incorporated into the Code of practice for assessment and feedback as standard practice.

Guidance for students on exams and assessments can be found on MySurrey.

Additional guidance: How assessments are marked (a short video that explains our 13-step process that we follow for every piece of summative work that a student submits).

Procedures and guidance for recognition of prior learning or prior credits.

Code of practice for collaborative provision (PDF) 

This code of practice is under development

Relevant guidance, forms etc can be found on the collaborative provision web page.
Continuous Enhancement Planning (CEPs) and reporting for 2024/25 academic year is to be completed under the 2024/25 Code of practice for continuous enhancement review: taught programmes 2024/25 (PDF)Web page under development: continuous enhancement review (Undergraduate and postgraduate taught).
Code of practice for external examining: taught programmes (PDF) 

External examiners web pages with general information.

Internal external examiners web pages including external examiner registers by faculty.

Code of practice for personal tutoring (PDF)University Quality Framework.
Code of practice for professional training (PDF)

Information specific to Professional Training placements can be found on MySurrey, as well as the Professional Training Charter.

Employability and Professional Training Hub for Tutors.

Code of practice for programme life cycle processes (PDF)

Relevant guidance and templates:

Guidance for Curriculum Design Review (PDF).

Updating modules for September 2022 (PDF) - briefing note for staff.

Code of practice for recognition of prior learning and prior credit: taught programmes (PDF)

Procedures and application forms for recognition of prior learning or prior credits.

Further guidance: Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning - Guide for Applicants (PDF).

Code of practice for inclusive education
Code of practice for research degrees (PDF)More information about postgraduate research at Surrey can be found on the Doctoral College website.
Code of practice for the scheduling of teaching and assessment (PDF)Internal timetabling web page.
Code of practice for student engagement (PDF)Further information about student support services.
Code of practice for student learning analytics (PDF) 

Code of practice for student withdrawal from programmes - temporary and permanent withdrawals: taught programmes (PDF)


Further information for students about how to apply for a temporary or permanent withdrawal can be found on MySurrey.


The following codes of practice are HR-related.

Annual programme review for postgraduate research programmes

Unless a Professional, Regulatory and Statutory Body (PSRB) requirement dictates a specific format, postgraduate research degree programmes will be reviewed annually through two methods:

  1. Enhancement-oriented action plans: Data collected and analysed through the annual PRES survey will be shared with departments and used to create action plans using a common template. Action plans will be published and accessible to postgraduate research students to bring greater visibility to how their feedback is driving enhancements to the postgraduate research degree provision
  2. A list of active programmes with registration data will be compiled and reported to the Doctoral College Board on an annual basis. This will be used to identify any changes that might be required to the portfolio of postgraduate research degree provision.

If you have any queries, or to request the previous versions of the Codes of practice, please contact