2021/22 regulations
Academic and student regulations for the 2021/22 academic year.
Academic year 2021/22
Academic regulations
In relation to programmes of study, students follow the academic regulations that were in place at the time of the commencement of their programme unless there are amendments that would be of advantage to students and/or Senate has specifically agreed that amendments should be introduced for all students, in which cases amendments are applied to all students, regardless of year of entry.
These regulations come into force at the start of the 2021/22 academic year (20 September 2021). View a list of amendments (PDF) that have been made to the regulations for 2021/22. A number of regulatory exceptions* were granted by the University for certain programmes within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS): please see the table in the PDF document for further details. A regulatory exception was also granted for UG Accounting and Finance students: see below** for details).
- A0: Regulations for the foundation year (PDF)
- A1: Regulations for taught programmes (PDF)
CertHE, DipHE, Foundation degree, Bachelor’s, integrated Master’s, PGCE, PGCert, PGDip, Master’s - A2: Regulations for research degrees (PDF)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Clinical Practice (DClinPrac), Doctor of Engineering (EngD), Doctor of Psychology (PsychD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Prior Publication - A3: Regulations for higher doctorates (PDF)
- A4: Regulations for academic dress (PDF).
Student regulations
The student regulations are updated every year and therefore there is only ever one set in use; the 2021/22 regulations replace all previous versions. Read our student regulations privacy notice.
- B1: Regulations for extenuating circumstances (PDF)
- B2: Regulations for academic integrity (PDF)
- B2.1: Regulations for academic integrity – appeals (PDF)
- B3: Student disciplinary regulations (PDF)
- B4: Regulations for academic appeals (PDF)
- B5: Regulations for support to study (PDF)
- B6: Regulations for fitness to practise (PDF).
For further information please see the relevant pages on the OSCAR website.
Student procedures
- C1: Procedure for complaints (PDF)
- C2: Procedure for hearings by panel (PDF)
- C3: Procedure for managed exclusion orders (PDF)
- C4: Procedure for awarding posthumous degrees (PDF).
* Many of the University’s programmes receive accreditation by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs). There may be occasions when the requirements of a PSRB for accreditation do not align with the University regulations. In such cases, a proposal for an exception to regulations is submitted for approval by senior University learning and teaching committees. The full process for the approval of exceptions to regulations is described in the Introduction to the Quality Framework.
** In March 2022 University Education Committee (UEC) endorsed the following recommendation for Senate approval: For the 2021/22 academic year only, to extend A1 Regulation 166 to allow in-year reassessment of two modules for UG Accounting and Finance students due to specific PSRB-related circumstances faced by this cohort of students during the January assessment period. This exceptional amendment was approved by Senate Chair’s Action on 2 March 2022.