Journal Articles | Academic talks | Public talks and presentations | Affiliations
Journal articles (*equal contribution; trainee) - from 2019
- Hopkins-Doyle, A., Petterson, A., Leach, S. N. D., Zibell, H., Chobthamkit, P., Binti Abdul Rahim, S., Blake, J., Bosco, C., Cherrie-Rees, K., Beadle, A., Cock, V., Greer, H., Jankowska, A., Mcdonald, K., Scott English, A., Wai Lan YEUNG, V., Ryosuke, A., Beattie, P., Bernard, A. B. I., Boonroungrut, C., ... & Sutton, R. M. (in press). The misandry myth: An inaccurate stereotype about feminists’ attitudes toward men. Psychology of Women Quarterly.
- Brett, R., Hopkins-Doyle, A., Robnett, R., Watson, N., & Tennenbaum, H. (2023). Benevolent and Hostile Sexism in Endorsement of Heterosexist Marriage Traditions Among Adolescents and Adults. Sex Roles 89, 201–222.
- Fasoli, F., Frost, D. M., & Serdet, H. (2023). How voice transition and gender identity disclosure shape perceptions of trans men in the hiring process. Gender, Work & Organization. Advanced online publication
- Hegarty, P., & Fasoli, F. (2023). Sounds like there was no sexual orientation discrimination? Attributions to discrimination on the basis of auditory gaydar. Journal of Homosexuality. Advanced online publication
- Sturaro, S., Fasoli, F., & Suitner, C. (2023). When is self-labeling seen as reclaiming? The role of user and audience in processing derogatory and category labels use. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. Advanced online publication
- Galdi, S., Guizzo, F., & Fasoli, F. (2023). Media representation matters: The effects of exposure to counter-stereotypical gay male characters on heterosexual men’s expressions of discrimination. Group Processes & Intergroup Relation. Advanced online publication
- Fasoli, F., Dragojevic, M., Tamara, R., Johnson, S. (2023). Voice matters: Social categorisation and stereotyping of speakers based on sexual orientation and nationality categories. Language and Communication, 90, 114-128.
- Di Michele, D., Guizzo, F., Canale, N., Fasoli, F., Carotta, F., Pollini, A., & Cadinu, M. (2023). # SexyBodyPositive: When sexualization does not undermine young women’s body image. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 991.
- Fontenele, A. B. G., Souza, L. E. C. D., & Fasoli, F. (2023). Who does discriminate against gay-sounding speakers? The role of prejudice on voice-based hiring decisions in Brazil. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 42(1), 119-130.
- Fasoli, F., Ogden, J., & Johnson, S. (2022). The relationship between humor and women’s body image concerns and eating behaviors. HUMOR, 35(4), 531-552.
- Fasoli, F., Maass, A., & Berghella, L. (2022). Who has a better auditory gaydar? Sexual orientation categorization by heterosexual and lesbian, gay and bisexual People. Journal of Homosexuality, 70, 876-899.
- Masi, M., & Fasoli, F. (2022). When fluency matters: The interplay between categorization, fluency, and gender atypicality on gaydar judgments. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 41(6), 746-759.
- Carnaghi, A., Rusconi, P., Bianchi, M., Fasoli, F., Coladonato, R., & Hegarty, P. (2022). No country for old gay men: Age and sexuality category intersection renders older gay men invisible. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25(4), 964-989.
- Haji, R., & Fasoli, F. (2022). Predicting and changing attitudes toward same-gender parenting: Informational influence, parasocial contact, and religious fundamentalism. LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18(2), 119-134.
- Painter, D., Fasoli, F., & Sulpizio, S. (2021). The impact of stimuli length and analytic method on auditory ‘gaydar’ research. Journal of Voice.
- Gorczynski, P., & Fasoli, F. (2021). Loneliness in sexual minority and heterosexual individuals: A Comparative Meta-analysis. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 26, 112-129.
- Guizzo, F., Canale, N., & Fasoli, F. (2021). Instagram Sexualization: When posts make you feel dissatisfied and wanting to change your body. Body Image, 39, 62-67.
- Fasoli, F., Hegarty, P., & Frost, D. M. (2021). Stigmatisation of ‘gay-Sounding’ voices: The role of heterosexual, lesbian and gay individuals’ essentialist beliefs. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(3), 826-850.
- Gorczynski, P., & Fasoli, F. (2020). LGBTQ+ focused mental health research strategy in response to COVID-19. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(8), e56.
- Daniele, M., Fasoli, F., Antornio, R., Simone, S., & Maass, A. (2020). Gay voice: Stable marker of sexual orientation or flexible communication device?. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 2585-2600.
- Fasoli, F. & Hegarty, P. (2020). A leader doesn’t sound lesbian! The impact of sexual orientation vocal cues on heterosexual persons’ first impression and hiring decision. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(2) 234-255.
- Fasoli, F., Maass, A., Karniol, R., Antonio, R., & Sulpizio, S. (2020). Voice changes meaning: The role of gay- versus straight-sounding voices in sentence Interpretation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 9(5-6) 653–677.
- Fasoli, F., & Maass, A. (2020). The social costs of sounding gay: Voice-based impressions of adoption applicants. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 39, 112-131.
- Sulpizio, S., Fasoli, F., Antonio, R., Eyssel, F., Paladino, M. P., & Diehl, C. (2020). Auditory gaydar: Perception of sexual orientation based on female voice. Language and Speech, 63, 184-206.
- Fasoli, F., Hegarty, P., & Carnaghi, A. (2019). Sounding gay, speaking as a “fag”: Auditory gaydar and the perception of reclaimed homophobic language. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 38, 798-808.
- Hopkins-Doyle, A., Sutton, R. M., Douglas, K. M., & Calogero, R. M. (2019). Flattering to deceive: Why people misunderstand benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(2), 167–192.
Academic talks
- A. Hopkins-Doyle (July 2023). Gender pre-conference at the European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting, Kraków, Poland. (co-organiser)
- Fasoli, F. (2022). ‘Voice matters: Stereotypes and consequences of sounding ‘gay’. 3rd International Conference on LGBT+ Psychology and related fields (ISPA, Lisbon, Portugal; 22-25 June, 2022)
- A.Hopkins-Doyle (July 2020). Gender equality from East to West: experiences of, and attitudes toward gender activism in six countries. Symposium organised at the International Society of Political Psychology.
- Hopkins-Doyle, A. (October 2019). In pursuit of gender equality: #metoo, feminism, and reproductive autonomy. Symposium organised at the Norwegian Social Psychology and Community Psychology Conference, Tromsø, Norway.
- Hopkins-Doyle, A., Sutton, R. M., Douglas, K. M., & Calogero, R. M. (July 2017). Misunderstanding Ambivalent Sexism: The role of perceived warmth toward women. Paper presented at European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting, Granada, Spain.
Public talks and dissemination
- 2023. Fabio Fasoli was interviewed for the QueerLit Podcast
- 2023. Fabio Fasoli. How does social media portray women’s health? Event organised by UCL for International Women’s Day (7th March, 2023; online).
- 2023. Fabio Fasoli. The gay voice stereotype and its consequences' - The Walt Disney Company London - talk to HR, EMEA team, Talent Acquisition team, and Pride Team – (9th February 2023; London, UK)
- 2022. Aife Hopkins-Doyle. #BreakTheBias Through Research. The School of Psychology & The Global Equality Collective shared the findings of research which challenges, unsettles, disputes and disrupts bias against women.
- 2022. Fabio Fasoli. Voice matters – interdisciplinary perspective on voice. One-day workshop at the Social Science and Humanities University in Warsaw. Guest speakers: Adrienne Hancock and Barbara Kinga Majewska (May 13th, 2022).
- 2021. Fabio Fasoli. Online Discussion: Body Image, Body Positivity and Humour. Guests: Jane Ogden and Stephen Bell, co-founder of Portrait Positive (28th July, 2021)
- 2020. Fabio Fasoli. Podcast Channel Q ‘Let’s go there with Shira and Ryan’
- 2019. Aífe Hopkins-Doyle. What now? The future of gender relations after #MeToo. One day public conference with guest speakers Professor Michelle Ryan, Professor Julia Becker, Dr Finn Mackay, and Dr Joyce Endendijk. Hosted at University of Kent.
- European Social Psychologists Researching Gender+ (SPRinG+) Network. Aífe Hopkins-Doyle is a co-founder of the SPRinG+ Network, and both Aífe and Fabio members. The network facilitates knowledge exchange between researchers and the development of collaborative research projects across Europe and beyond. In addition, the network also disseminates research to the wider society.