Dr Yulia Omer BSc (Hons), MSc

Doctoral Practitioner in Sustainability working with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
BSc (Hons), MSc

Academic and research departments

Centre for Environment and Sustainability.


My research project

University roles and responsibilities

  • Conduct research and undertake projects full-time at the placement organisation
  • Occasionally deliver presentations to MSc students at CES
  • Assist with supervision of MSc students at their industrial 6-week placements

    My qualifications

    MSc Sustainable Development, Centre for Environment and Sustainability
    University of Surrey
    BSc (Hons) International Hospitality and Tourism Management, School of Hospitality and Tourism
    University of Surrey


    In the media

    NHS Reset: A green NHS reset | Catherine Hope-MacLellan and Yulia Omer
    NHS Confederation, Blog NHS Voices


    Yulia Omer (2020) Telehealth in Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust (environmental and other impacts), Conference Articles, Westminster Health Forum.


     The proportion of telephone outpatient appointments has risen to over 50% during

    recent months.

     Telephone appointments consistently achieve a higher attendance rate.

     Telemedicine avoids travel, which reduces pollution.

     Travel and transport constitutes around 13% of healthcare emissions in England

     Telemedicine can save as much as 95% of carbon emissions compared to face to face

    (Oliveira et al., 2013)

     There are other generic benefits, such as reducing waste, convenience, reduced costs.

     Telemedicine is not a substitute for all face to face outpatient appointments

     Patient circumstances and data security must be considered when increasing the

    number of telemedicine appointments.

    Yulia Omer (nee Lazareva) (2016) Exploring the Differences in Waste Management Strategies in Different Types of Hotels. Surrey Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ), Vol. 2, No. 1

    Waste management in hotels is of critical importance to daily operation of the business. However, it is often an overlooked process. This article explores which types of waste management strategies are more and less commonly adopted in UK hotels. It also evaluates whether there is a difference between the types of waste management strategies implemented in different categories of hotels, based on their ownership and level of service. The aim is to identify recommendations on how waste management should be approached at different types of hotels. Data was collected from online reports and hotel websites. Overall, 52 hotels were selected through convenience sampling. A Chi-squared analysis was performed in order to identify differences between the types of hotels in relation to the waste management strategies they implemented. The results showed that recycling was the most widely adopted waste management strategy, with waste prevention and reuse methods being considerably underutilised. No statistically significant differences were found between the hotels’ level of service and ownership and the type of waste management strategies they adopted. This suggests that a universal approach should be taken when studying, applying and promoting sustainable waste management strategies to the hotel industry.

    Yulia Omer (nee Lazareva) (2015) Can nutrition menu labelling positively influence consumer food choices? A review of the literature. Surrey Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ), Vol. 1, No. 1.

    Overweight and obesity has become an increasing issue around the world; particularly in the UK and the US. An increased tendency of consuming away-from-home foods is one of the factors contributing to this problem. Some researchers and government campaigners believe that menu labelling could help people make healthier and more informed choices when eating out. This article aims to review existing literature regarding the UK and US to analyse possible effects that menu labelling can have on diners’ choices and provides suggestions on how to improve the effectiveness of labelling. The review of the literature shows that menu labelling can improve some consumers' food choices, facilitate informed decisions and increase individual’s health concerns. However, labelling has limited effects on improving the choices of those consumers who eat out more frequently or are overweight. Labelling is also believed to lack accuracy when dishes are modified to cater for individual needs, and present only limited nutritional information. Suggestions to improve nutritional labelling on menus include: providing more comprehensive public education on nutrition and labelling, proposals of unified legislation and simplifying nutritional menu labelling by adding coloured symbols and arranging menu items in order of calorie value.

    Omer, Y., Roberts, T. (2022) A novel methodology applying practice theory in pro-environmental organisational change research: Examples of energy use and waste in healthcare

    Responding to the increased interest in addressing organisational sustainability issues using behaviour change strategies, this paper aims to propose a methodology for doing so from a different perspective – namely, sociology and social practice theory. Firstly, the background of behaviour change approaches and practice theory are discussed. Then a methodology for conducting a pro-environmental organisational change project is proposed. The methodology involves five key elements: detailed analysis of context, outlining a theoretical framework, establishing project boundaries, acknowledging connectivity of practices and choosing data collection methods. We illustrate the application of methodology by using examples of everyday consumables, energy and waste in a hospital trust in the South East of England. This approach has been effective for analysing routine and inconspicuous consumption within an organisation, as it considers individual attitudes and motivations as well as the structural and habitual nature of communities of practices. It allows researchers and managers to understand workplace consumption issues from several perspectives and identify the best angle from which to approach potential resolutions.