Dr Sarah Golding
I describe myself as a 'more-than-human' health psychologist. My passions lie in applied health and environment research, and I enjoy working on projects that involve collaborations with colleagues from outside academia, as well as academic colleagues from other disciplines.
My research is focused on issues of public and animal health, health inequalities, and people-environment interactions. My PhD research explored antimicrobial resistance in the context of veterinary medicine and my postdoctoral work explores links between natural environments, biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing.
I am a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a Registered Health Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council. I also sit on the on the British Psychological Society's Climate and Environment Action Co-ordinating Group.
I currently work as a Knowledge Exchange Fellow for ACCESS (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science), based at the University of Surrey, UK. ACCESS is a 5-year program of work, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, which will champion and coordinate social science to address key environmental challenges spanning biodiversity, sustainability and decarbonisation.
ACCESS is a team of world-leading social science and interdisciplinary experts led by Prof Patrick Devine-Wright (University of Exeter) as director and Prof Birgitta Gatersleben (University of Surrey) as co-director with Co-Investigators from the Universities of Bath, Sussex, Leeds and the Natural Environment Social Research Network (Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, NatureScot, Environment Agency and Forest Research). ACCESS also includes an extensive partner network including, amongst others, the Universities of Belfast, Cardiff and Manchester, the Tyndall Centre, and the National Trust.
Affiliations and memberships
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
In 2019, I completed a PhD in Health Psychology (including Stage 2 health psychology training), funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. My doctoral research explored antimicrobial stewardship in UK livestock farming from a One Health perspective, using both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate antimicrobial prescribing decisions and the concept of antimicrobial stewardship amongst farm veterinarians, farmers, and veterinary students. During my Stage 2 health psychology training, I was involved in projects exploring diverse topics including breastfeeding, stress and wellbeing in emergency call handlers, and organ donation interventions.
As part of my doctoral training, I also completed a 6-month internship at Public Health England, working in their Behavioural Insights Team. During this time I worked on a variety of projects, including work focused on infection control across the health economy and food purchasing in online and physical supermarkets.
Since completing my PhD, I have been employed by both the University of Surrey and the University of Winchester as a postdoctoral researcher on a number of collaborative projects. I am now working as a knowledge exchange fellow on the ACCESS programme (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Sciences) where I work on the Building Capacity and Guiding Principles workstreams.
University of Surrey - Completed Postdoctoral Projects:
Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during, and post-COVID-19: Supporting the UK (Green) Recovery. (Aug-2020 to Dec-2021)
Project Team: Dr Birgitta Gatersleben, Dr Kayleigh Wyles, Dr Emma White, Professor Caroline Scarles, Dr Sarah Golding, Dr Tracy Xu, Mr George Murrell. Project Partners: Natural England. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Mixed-methods exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns on people’s engagement with nature and the effects on wellbeing. Project website
The Conversation:
Five ways to use your garden to support your wellbeing
Trees and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic
Gardens and wellbeing during the first UK COVID-19 lockdown
Journal Articles:
Everyday places to get away – Lessons learned from Covid-19 lockdowns
Project Record:
Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during and post- Covid-19: Supporting the UK (green) recovery
Investigating the impact of misophonia (aversion to sounds) on quality of life and wellbeing. (Jan-2020 to Jul-2021)
Project Team: Dr Bridget Dibb, Mr Tom Dozier, Dr Sarah Golding. Project Partners: The Misophonia Institute. Funded by The University of Surrey. Development and validation of misophonia severity scale, followed by longitudinal survey to examine the impact of misophonia on quality of life.
Journal Article: The development and validation of the Misophonia Response Scale
Journal Article: A longitudinal investigation of quality of life and negative emotions in misophonia
University of Winchester - Completed Postdoctoral Projects:
Experiences of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Jun-2020 to May-2021)
Project Team: Dr Debra Gray, Dr Sarah Golding. Project Partners: Hampshire County Council, Community First. Qualitative exploration of the impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown on experiences of and motivations for volunteering in the local community.
Understanding the treatment decisions of older men living with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign enlargement of the prostate. (Nov-2019 to Jan-2022)
Project Team: Dr Margaret Husted, Dr Debra Gray, Mr Richard Hindley, Dr Sarah Golding. Project Partners: Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Funded by Boston Scientific. Qualitative exploration of factors influencing men’s decision making for different surgical and non-surgical treatment options.
Journal Article: Reaching a tipping point: A qualitative exploration of quality of life and treatment decision-making in people living with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Project record: INTEGRAL - Insights into the decision-making process for men selecting therapy for non-neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms
Research interests
In 2019, I completed a PhD in Health Psychology (including Stage 2 health psychology training), funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. My doctoral research explored antimicrobial stewardship in UK livestock farming from a One Health perspective, using both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate antimicrobial prescribing decisions and the concept of antimicrobial stewardship amongst farm veterinarians, farmers, and veterinary students. During my Stage 2 health psychology training, I was involved in projects exploring diverse topics including breastfeeding, stress and wellbeing in emergency call handlers, and organ donation interventions.
As part of my doctoral training, I also completed a 6-month internship at Public Health England, working in their Behavioural Insights Team. During this time I worked on a variety of projects, including work focused on infection control across the health economy and food purchasing in online and physical supermarkets.
Since completing my PhD, I have been employed by both the University of Surrey and the University of Winchester as a postdoctoral researcher on a number of collaborative projects. I am now working as a knowledge exchange fellow on the ACCESS programme (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Sciences) where I work on the Building Capacity and Guiding Principles workstreams.
University of Surrey - Completed Postdoctoral Projects:
Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during, and post-COVID-19: Supporting the UK (Green) Recovery. (Aug-2020 to Dec-2021)
Project Team: Dr Birgitta Gatersleben, Dr Kayleigh Wyles, Dr Emma White, Professor Caroline Scarles, Dr Sarah Golding, Dr Tracy Xu, Mr George Murrell. Project Partners: Natural England. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Mixed-methods exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 lockdowns on people’s engagement with nature and the effects on wellbeing. Project website
The Conversation:
Five ways to use your garden to support your wellbeing
Trees and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic
Gardens and wellbeing during the first UK COVID-19 lockdown
Journal Articles:
Everyday places to get away – Lessons learned from Covid-19 lockdowns
Project Record:
Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during and post- Covid-19: Supporting the UK (green) recovery
Investigating the impact of misophonia (aversion to sounds) on quality of life and wellbeing. (Jan-2020 to Jul-2021)
Project Team: Dr Bridget Dibb, Mr Tom Dozier, Dr Sarah Golding. Project Partners: The Misophonia Institute. Funded by The University of Surrey. Development and validation of misophonia severity scale, followed by longitudinal survey to examine the impact of misophonia on quality of life.
Journal Article: The development and validation of the Misophonia Response Scale
Journal Article: A longitudinal investigation of quality of life and negative emotions in misophonia
University of Winchester - Completed Postdoctoral Projects:
Experiences of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Jun-2020 to May-2021)
Project Team: Dr Debra Gray, Dr Sarah Golding. Project Partners: Hampshire County Council, Community First. Qualitative exploration of the impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown on experiences of and motivations for volunteering in the local community.
Understanding the treatment decisions of older men living with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign enlargement of the prostate. (Nov-2019 to Jan-2022)
Project Team: Dr Margaret Husted, Dr Debra Gray, Mr Richard Hindley, Dr Sarah Golding. Project Partners: Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Funded by Boston Scientific. Qualitative exploration of factors influencing men’s decision making for different surgical and non-surgical treatment options.
Journal Article: Reaching a tipping point: A qualitative exploration of quality of life and treatment decision-making in people living with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Project record: INTEGRAL - Insights into the decision-making process for men selecting therapy for non-neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms
Throughout my doctoral programme I was a graduate teaching assistant for the School of Psychology, and demonstrated in lectures and workshops across different modules, and at different undergraduate levels.
I have also guest lectured across the University, on topics including ‘tuberculosis’, 'infectious diseases', and ‘health inequalities’ (MSc Health Psychology,) 'qualitative research methods' (BVMSci Veterinary Medicine and Science), and 'nature engagement and tourism' (MSc International Tourism Management).
Sustainable development goals
My research interests are related to the following:

Journal Articles
Golding, S. E. (2024). An early career perspective on the value of interdisciplinary training networks: Reflections on the Medical Research Foundation’s National PhD Training Programme in Antimicrobial Resistance Research. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.31273/eirj.v12i1.1595
Gatersleben, B., White, E. V., Wyles, K. J., Golding, S. E., Murrell, G., Scarles, C., Xu, T., Brockett, B. F. T., & Willis, C. (2024). Everyday places to get away – Lessons learned from Covid-19 lockdowns. Landscape and Urban Planning, 246, 105026. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.LANDURBPLAN.2024.105026
Weber, C., Golding, S. E., Yarker, J., Teoh, K., Lewis, R., Ratcliffe, E., … Windlinger, L. (2023). Work fatigue during COVID-19 lockdown teleworking: The role of psychosocial, environmental, and social working conditions. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1856. https://doi.org/10.3389/FPSYG.2023.1155118
Martínez, E. P., Golding, S. E., van Rosmalen, J., Vinueza-Burgos, C., Verbon, A., & van Schaik, G. (2023). Antibiotic prescription patterns and non-clinical factors influencing antibiotic use by Ecuadorian veterinarians working on cattle and poultry farms: A cross-sectional study. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105858. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.PREVETMED.2023.105858
Husted, M., Gray, D., Golding, S. E., & Hindley, R. G. (2022). Reaching a tipping point: A qualitative exploration of quality of life and treatment decision-making in people living with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Qualitative Health Research, Online First. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323221129262
Dibb, B., & Golding, S. E. (2022). A longitudinal investigation of quality of life and negative emotions in misophonia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 900474. https://doi.org/10.3389/FNINS.2022.900474
Weber, C., Golding, S. E., Yarker, J., Lewis, R., Ratcliffe, E., Munir, F., … Windlinger, L. (2022). Future teleworking inclinations post-COVID-19: Examining the role of teleworking conditions and perceived productivity. Frontiers in Psychology, 1907. https://doi.org/10.3389/FPSYG.2022.863197
Bunten, A., Shute, B., Golding, S. E., Charlton, C., Porter, L., Willis, Z., … Chadborn, T. (2022). Encouraging healthier grocery purchases online: A randomised controlled trial and lessons learned. Nutrition Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1111/NBU.12552
Golding, S. E., Higgins, H. M., & Ogden, J. (2022). Assessing knowledge, beliefs, and behaviours around antibiotic usage and antibiotic resistance amongst veterinary students: A multi-site, cross-sectional survey. Antibiotics, 11, 256. https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11020256
Golding, S. E., Ogden, J., & Higgins, H. M. (2022). ‘Ideal’ versus ‘real-world’: Application of vignettes to investigate antibiotic prescribing decisions by farm vets. Cattle Practice, 30(1), 71–81 (open access pre-print version available: PsyArXiv Preprints. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uz5mb)
Xu, S., Murrell, G., Golding, S. E., Brockett, B. F. T., Gatersleben, B., Scarles, C., … Wyles, K. J. (2021). #Springwatch #WildMorningswithChris: Engaging with nature via social media and wellbeing during the Covid-19 lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 701769. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.701769
Dibb, B., Golding, S. E., & Dozier, T. H. (2021). The development and validation of the Misophonia Response Scale. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 149, 110587. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2021.110587
Golding, S. E., Ogden, J., & Higgins, H. M. (2021). Examining the effect of context, beliefs, and values on UK farm veterinarians’ antimicrobial prescribing: A randomized experimental vignette and cross-sectional survey. Antibiotics, 10, 445. https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics10040445
Golding, S. E., Bondaronek, P., Bunten, A., Porter, L., Maynard, V., Rennie, D., … Chadborn, T. (2021). Interventions to change purchasing behaviour in supermarkets: A systematic review and intervention content analysis. Health Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2021.1911670
Russell, P. S., Smith, D. M., Birtel, M. D., Hart, K. H., & Golding, S. E. (2021). The role of emotions and injunctive norms in breastfeeding: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2021.1893783
Golding, S. E., Ogden, J., & Higgins, H. M. (2019). Shared goals, different barriers: A qualitative study of UK veterinarians’ and farmers’ beliefs about antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00132
Shaw, K., Golding, S. E., Knight, J., Chadborn, T., Dempster, L., Finistrella, V., … Dempster, L. (2019). A unique approach to the development of infection prevention and control resources for front-line health care workers. Infection Prevention in Practice, 1(1), 100004. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infpip.2019.100004
Golding, S. E., Gatersleben, B., & Cropley, M. (2018). An experimental exploration of the effects of exposure to images of nature on rumination. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2), 300. http://doi.org/10.3390/IJERPH15020300
Golding, S. E., Horsfield, C., Davies, A., Egan, B., Jones, M., Raleigh, M., … Cropley, M. (2017). Exploring the psychological health of emergency dispatch centre operatives: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. PeerJ, 5, e3735. http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3735
Golding, S. E., & Cropley, M. (2017). Effects of community-based interventions on rates of organ donor registration: a systematic narrative review. Progress in Transplantation, 27(3), 295–308. http://doi.org/10.1177/1526924817715461
Higgins, H. M., Golding, S. E., Mouncey, J., Nanjiani, I., & Cook, A. J. C. (2017). Understanding veterinarians’ prescribing decisions on antibiotic dry cow therapy. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(4), 2909–2916. http://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-11923
Book Chapters
Marselle, M. R., & Golding, S. E. (2023). Applying the behaviour change wheel to mitigate the biodiversity crisis. In B. Gatersleben & N. Murtagh (Eds.), Handbook on pro-environmental behaviour change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd [Open Access version: https://openresearch.surrey.ac.uk/esploro/outputs/99874466102346]
Other Articles & Reports
Golding, S. E., Hamilton, J., & Devine-Wright, P. (2025). ACCESS annual assembly 2024: Event evaluation report. University of Surrey. https://doi.org/10.15126/901558
Hood, T., Golding, S. E., Burningham, K., & Gatersleben, B. (2024). ACCESS 1-1 mentoring scheme: Reflections 2024. University of Surrey. https://doi.org/10.15126/901313
Golding, S. E., Burningham, K., Gatersleben, B., Hatcher, K., Hood, T., & Lefort, P. (2024). ACCESS Winter School 2023: Event Evaluation Report. https://doi.org/10.15126/901193
White, E. V., Golding, S. E., Gatersleben, B., Scarles, C., Wyles, K. J., Murrell, G., & Xu, S. (2024). Trees and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic (Research Report No. 2). https://www.forestresearch.gov.uk/publications/trees-and-wellbeing-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/
Devine-Wright, P., Golding, S. E., & Lefort, P. (2023). ACCESS annual assembly 2023: Event guide and evaluation report. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10871/134452
Devine-Wright, P., Golding, S. E., & Spruce, M. (2023). ACCESS flex fund round one evaluation report. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10871/134459
Golding, S. E. (2023). ACCESS annual assembly 2022: Event evaluation report (September 2022). https://doi.org/10.15126/900786
Barr, S., Burningham, K., Golding, S. E., Guilbert, S., & Hartley, S. (2023). ACCESS Guiding Principles V4 - March 2023. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10871/133207
Golding, S. E., Gatersleben, B., Guilbert, S., Hartley, S., & Mitchell, C. (2023). ACCESS contributions to scoping future UKRI social science and interdisciplinary research. Phase I and Phase II combined report (December 2022). https://doi.org/10.15126/900679
White, E. V., Gatersleben, B., Wyles, K. J., Murrell, G., Golding, S. E., Scarles, C., & Xu, S. (2021). Gardens and wellbeing during the first UK COVID-19 lockdown (Research Report No. 1, July-2021). Retrieved from https://bit.ly/people-nature-pandemic
Gatersleben, B., Scarles, C., Wyles, K. J., Xu, S., Golding, S. E., White, E. V., & Murrell, G. (2021). Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during, and post COVID-19: Supporting the UK (green) recovery. Progress report July 2021. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/people-nature-pandemic
Gatersleben, B., Scarles, C., Wyles, K. J., Xu, S., Golding, S. E., White, E. V., & Murrell, G. (2021). Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during and post COVID-19: Supporting the UK (green) recovery. Progress report January 2021. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/people-nature-pandemic
Gatersleben, B., Scarles, C., Wyles, K. J., Xu, S., Golding, S. E., White, E. V., … Willis, C. (2020). People and nature in a pandemic: Interactive online event Dec 2020. Workshop Report. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/people-nature-pandemic
Weber, C., Golding, S. E., Ratcliffe, E., Yarker, J., Lewis, R., & Munir, F. (2020). Homeworking during COVID-19 lockdown: Relationships between the physical and social environments at home, work-related burnout, and musculoskeletal pain. Health Psychology Update, 29(Special Issue), 55–56. Retrieved from https://shop.bps.org.uk/health-psychology-update-vol-29-special-issue-2020
Golding, S. E. (2020). “Celebrating Health Psychology” webinar: Event review and reflections. Health Psychology Update. 29(Special Issue), 19–20. Retrieved from https://shop.bps.org.uk/health-psychology-update-vol-29-special-issue-2020
Golding, S. E. (2020). Coronavirus and other pathogens: Reflecting on the relationship between health psychology and infectious disease. Health Psychology Update, 29(Autumn), 3–6. Retrieved from https://psyarxiv.com/f432m
Golding, S. E. (2017). Applying health psychology to a public health threat: encouraging the responsible use of antibiotics. Health Psychology in Public Health Network Newsletter.
Golding, S. E., Wylie, B., & Reaves, D. (2015). Event Review: “Psychology4Students & Psychology4Graduates 2014.” Health Psychology Update, 24(2), 60–61
Rhodes, E., Lambert, H., Rodham, K., & Golding, S. E. (2015). Tackling the antibiotics problem. The Psychologist, 28(12), 960. Retrieved from https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/championing-responsible-antibiotic-use
Golding, S. E. (2014). Conference review: “Psychological Perspectives on Health & Wellbeing.” Open University Psychological Society (OUPS) Newsletter.
Guest Blogs & Media Articles
Golding, S. E. (2024). More interdisciplinary training for researchers is key to tackling environmental problems. Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science (ACCESS)
Golding, S. E., Twigger-Ross, C., Craig, T., & Warren, G. W. (2024). Exploring potential barriers to effective knowledge exchange. Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science (ACCESS).
Golding, S. E., Bornioli, A., Warren, G. W., & Marselle, M. R. (2024). A home for environmental psychology in uncertain times. The Psychologist, May.
Golding, S. E. (2023). ECR Journeys: Working across disciplinary and sectoral boundaries. The Applied Ecologist.
Golding, S. E., Guilbert, S., Marshall, H., Spruce, M., Torres Contreras, G. A., & Seymour, V. (2023). ECR journeys: The ACCESS fellows – navigating new terrain. The Applied Ecologist.
Golding, S. E. (2023). What happened at the ACCESS Winter School 2023? Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science (ACCESS).
White, E. V., & Golding, S. E. (2021). Five ways to use your garden to support your wellbeing. The Conversation.
Golding, S. E., Ollis, L., Cogdell-Brooke, L., & Lynden, J. (2019). Navigating the PhD Journey: Building career and personal development into your route. Surrey Researchers’ Blog.
Golding, S. E. (2018). A change is as good as a rest! My experience of an RCUK internship. Surrey Researchers’ Blog.
Golding, S. E. (2017). No, I don’t do the psychology of cows: Reflections on applying health psychology to veterinary medicine. Division of Health Psychology.
Open Project Records
Gatersleben, B., Wyles, K. J., Xu, S., Golding, S. E., White, E. V., Murrell, G., … Scarles, C. (2023). Nature engagement and wellbeing pre-, during and post- Covid-19: Supporting the UK (green) recovery [Project Record]. Open Science Framework. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/Y6UWF
Husted, M., Gray, D., Golding, S. E., & Hindley, R. G. (2021). INTEGRAL - Insights into the decision-making process for men selecting therapy for non-neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms [Project Record]. Open Science Framework. https://osf.io/dqvs3/
Open Datasets
Golding, S. E., Higgins, H. M., & Ogden, J. (2022). Cross-sectional survey about antibiotics with UK undergraduate veterinary students, 2018. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-855402
Golding, S. E., Ogden, J., & Higgins, H. M. (2021). Experimental vignette and cross-sectional survey with farm veterinarians 2018. [Data Collection]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Service. https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-854821
Systematic Review Registrations
Russell, S., Smith, D., Hart, K., Birtel, M., & Golding, S. E. (2018). A systematic review of the impact of moral norms and affect on breastfeeding [registration]. PROSPERO, CRD42018112720
Golding, S. E., Bunten, A., Chadborn, T., Alamoudi, S., Ellis, D., & Maynard, V. (2017). Drivers of food and drink purchasing behaviour in supermarkets: a systematic review and behavioural analysis [registration]. PROSPERO, CRD42017071065
Cockle, S., Golding, S. E., Marks, L., & Ogden, J. (2015). The impact of psychological coping on psychological outcomes (quality of life and wellbeing) in people with cancer: A systematic review [registration]. PROSPERO, CRD42015026607.
Cropley, M., Jones, M., Horsfield, C., Start, K., Egan, M., Raleigh, M., Quinn, T., Golding, S. E., Squires, A., Davies, A. (2014). Exploring the psychological health of emergency dispatch centre operatives: A systematic review [registration]. PROSPERO, CRD42014010806.
Cropley, M., & Golding, S. E. (2014). Effects of community-based interventions on rates of registration for posthumous solid organ donation: A systematic review [registration]. PROSPERO, CRD42014012975
Policy Impact
I have contributed to the following policy-facing documents:
British Psychological Society Climate and Environment Action Co-ordinating Group. (2023). The climate and ecological crisis: BPS position statement. Available here
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. (2018). Reducing UK antibiotic use in animals. Available here
Health and Social Care Committee's Inquiry on Antimicrobial Resistance. (11-09-2018). Written evidence to the inquiry from the Medical Research Foundation National PhD Training Programme in Antimicrobial Resistance. Available here
NHS Improvement. (2017). Preventing healthcare associated Gram-negative bloodstream infections (GNBSI): An improvement resource. Available here