Leah Johal
PhD student in Biosciences and Medicine
Bsc in Biological Sciences
My research project
Understanding the mucosal B cell response to SARS-CoV-2 in the nasopharynx using an in vitro nasopharynx associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) culture modelMy research focuses on mucosal immunology. I am investigating the mucosal B cell response in the nasopharynx using an in vitro culture model of tonsillar immune cells. Specifically, I am measuring antibody secretion, repertoire diversity, and frequency of different B cell subsets induced by SARS-COV-2 stimulation.
My research focuses on mucosal immunology. I am investigating the mucosal B cell response in the nasopharynx using an in vitro culture model of tonsillar immune cells. Specifically, I am measuring antibody secretion, repertoire diversity, and frequency of different B cell subsets induced by SARS-COV-2 stimulation.
University roles and responsibilities
- Demonstrator (ELISA, Flow cytometry practicals (BMS2045))