Dr A. Ipek Paksoy
Academic and research departments
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Institute for Sustainability.About
Dr. Paksoy is an experienced research and teaching professional committed to sustainability and energy efficiency. She still holds her role as Assistant Professor at Uskudar University, Turkiye. She has received her MSc (2010) and PhD (2016) from Bogazici University and BSc (2008) from Istanbul Technical University. She has also worked as a formulation specialist at Bilim Ilac Pharmaceutical Company.
ResearchResearch interests
carbon dioxide capture and utilisation, hydrogen energy, circular economy, heterogeneous catalysis
Research interests
carbon dioxide capture and utilisation, hydrogen energy, circular economy, heterogeneous catalysis
Sustainable development goals
My research interests are related to the following:

Since climate change keeps escalating, it is imperative that the increasing CO2 emissions be combated. Over recent years, research efforts have been aiming for the design and optimization of materials for CO2 capture and conversion to enable a circular economy. The uncertainties in the energy sector and the variations in supply and demand place an additional burden on the commercialization and implementation of these carbon capture and utilization technologies. Therefore, the scientific community needs to think out of the box if it is to find solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change. Flexible chemical synthesis can pave the way for tackling market uncertainties. The materials for flexible chemical synthesis function under a dynamic operation, and thus, they need to be studied as such. Dual-function materials are an emerging group of dynamic catalytic materials that integrate the CO2 capture and conversion steps. Hence, they can be used to allow some flexibility in the production of chemicals as a response to the changing energy sector. This Perspective highlights the necessity of flexible chemical synthesis by focusing on understanding the catalytic characteristics under a dynamic operation and by discussing the requirements for the optimization of materials at the nanoscale.
Additional publications
“Dual Function Material for Methanol Production”, PCT Application, PCT/GB2024/052166.
Merkouri, L.-P., Paksoy, A.I., Ramirez Reina, T., Duyar, M.S., “The Need for Flexible Chemical Synthesis and How Dual-Function Materials Can Pave the Way”, ACS Catalysis, 13(11) (2023) 7230–7242.
Paksoy, A.I., Mumcu, A.Y., “Sağlık Kurumlarında Iletişim”, Sağlık Kurumları Perspektifinden Örgütsel Davranış, Nobel Yayin, 2023. (a book chapter on Communication in Health Institutions)
Uzun, A., Paksoy, A.I., Caglayan, B.S., Aksoylu, A.E., “CO2-ZrO2 Interaction in CDRM: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study”, Surface Science, 725, (2022) 122164.
Paksoy M., Paksoy A. I., “İşletmelerde Dijital Dönüşüme Genel Bakış”, İşletme Yönetiminde Dijital Yaklaşımlar, Dora Yayınevi, 2021. (a book chapter on Digital Transformation in Organisations)
Paksoy, A. I., Caglayan, B. S., Aksoylu, A. E., “An in situ FTIR-DRIFTS Study on CDRM over Co–Ce/ZrO2: Active Surfaces and Mechanistic Features”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (2020) 12822-12834.
Paksoy, A. I., Yassı Akdag, C., Caglayan, B. S., Aksoylu, A. E., “Kinetic and Mechanistic Features of CDRM over Co-Ce/ZrO2 Catalysts”, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 51 (2019) 138-145.
Paksoy, A. I., Caglayan, B. S., Ozensoy, E., Ökte, A. N., Aksoylu, A. E., “The Effects of Co/Ce Loading Ratio and Reaction Conditions on CDRM Performance of Co-Ce/ZrO2 Catalysts”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 4321-4334.
Paksoy, A. I., Caglayan, B. S., Aksoylu, A. E., “A Study on Characterization and Methane Dry Reforming Performance of Co-Ce/ZrO2 Catalyst”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 168 (2015) 164-174.