Esha Joshi
Academic and research departments
School of Mathematics and Physics, Mathematics at the Interface Group.About
My research project
Mechanistic Modelling of Antibody Drug Conjugates for Pre-clinical Drug Trials using Spatially Resolved TumoursHow to reduce the translation gap between results of pre-clinical and clinical drug trials is an important question in pharmacology. By establishing a better mathematical understanding of the results of pre-clinical trials our aim is to improve translation and reduce the need for animal models. Using a mechanistic framework will enable us to incorporate spatial and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PKPD) effects, with a focus on developing models fit-for-use in industries.
The project aims to study the binding site barrier effect of the antibody drug conjugates and developing better mathematical models. The study is an industry collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) which hopes to aid for drug development of tumours using antibody drug conjugates.
How to reduce the translation gap between results of pre-clinical and clinical drug trials is an important question in pharmacology. By establishing a better mathematical understanding of the results of pre-clinical trials our aim is to improve translation and reduce the need for animal models. Using a mechanistic framework will enable us to incorporate spatial and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PKPD) effects, with a focus on developing models fit-for-use in industries.
The project aims to study the binding site barrier effect of the antibody drug conjugates and developing better mathematical models. The study is an industry collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) which hopes to aid for drug development of tumours using antibody drug conjugates.
My qualifications
ResearchResearch interests
Mathematical biologist with a passion for applying advanced mathematical and computational tools to unravel the complexities of biological systems. Currently pursuing a PhD that focuses on mathematical modeling of cancer cell dynamics, with broader interests in systems biology, disease modeling, and applied mathematics. Dedicated to leveraging interdisciplinary approaches to advance our understanding of complex biological processes. Excited to connect with professionals and researchers in related fields to foster collaboration and innovation.
Research collaborations
During my PhD project, I have been collaborating with:
Research interests
Mathematical biologist with a passion for applying advanced mathematical and computational tools to unravel the complexities of biological systems. Currently pursuing a PhD that focuses on mathematical modeling of cancer cell dynamics, with broader interests in systems biology, disease modeling, and applied mathematics. Dedicated to leveraging interdisciplinary approaches to advance our understanding of complex biological processes. Excited to connect with professionals and researchers in related fields to foster collaboration and innovation.
Research collaborations
During my PhD project, I have been collaborating with:
I am currently on the marking support team for MAT2009 (Operations Research and Optimisation Techniques), MAT3043 (Graphs and Networks).