Damiete Emmanuel-Yusuf, Research Fellow in Transitions

Dr Damiete Emmanuel-Yusuf

Research Fellow in Sustainability Transitions, Institute for Sustainability
PhD, MSc, BSc


University roles and responsibilities

  • Research Fellow in Transitions, Institute for Sustainability
  • Research fellow support for the establishment and operations of the institute’s research programmes, facilitate interdisciplinary research within and across programmes and collaborating on relevant research calls.
  • Works on relevant research in collaboration with the institutes’ external partners and is developing a research portfolio based on sustainability transitions.


    Research interests

    Research projects


    Postgraduate research supervision



    Damiete Emmanuel-Yusuf and Walter Wehrmeyer (2023) The SLES Pathway Guide: Navigating drivers, barriers and action plans
    Damiete Emmanuel-Yusuf and Walter Wehrmeyer (2022) Pathways for the upscaling of smart local energy systems.
    Evelina Trutnevyte, John Barton, Áine O'Grady, Damiete Ogunkunle, Danny Pudjianto, and Elizabeth Robertson (2014) Linking a storyline with multiple models: A cross-scale study of the UK power system transition. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2014. 89(0): p. 26-42.
    Robertson Elizabeth, O'Grady Áine, Barton John, Galloway Staurt, Emmanuel-Yusuf Damiete, Leach Matthew, Hammond Geoff, Thompson Murray, Foxon, Tim (2013) Reconciling qualitative storylines and quantitative descriptions: An iterative approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2013, 118, p. 293-306
    Barton John, Huang Sikai, Infield David, Leach Matthew, Ogunkunle Damiete, Torriti Jacopo and Thomson Murray (2013) The evolution of electricity demand and the role for demand side participation, in buildings and transport. Energy Policy, 2013. 52(0): p. 85-102.
    Sinclair Philip, Ogunkunle Damiete, Sadhukhan, Jhuma and Leach Matthew (2011) Demand analysis for sustainable polygeneration applications: a participatory workshop. Invited paper.