Professor Clare Mills
Academic and research departments
Section of Immunology, Department of Biochemical Sciences, Institute for Sustainability.About
Clare Mills is Professor of Food and Molecular Immunology in the School of Bioscience which is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and is part of the Respiratory and Allergy Research team at the University of Manchester and the Wythenshawe Hospital. She obtained her BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Bristol and after a short spell at the then Glaxo Group Research, moved to the University of Kent to study for a PhD in Biochemistry as a CASE student sponsored by Shell Research. On completing her PhD after a short spell at the Department of Health she moved to the BBSRC Institute of Food Research (now known as the Quadram Institute) where she eventually became an Institute Strategic Programme leader. In 2011 she moved to the University of Manchester and then in 2022 took up a joint appointment with the University of Surrey.
Through a series of projects funded across several EU Frame Work Programmes she developed a network of researchers spanning 17 countries, including India, China, Russia and Ghana, that went on to form the EuroPrevall consortium. With 63 partners spanning clinical science, epidemiology, social science, biochemical and immunological sciences, academia and industry and €14.3M of funding this was successfully completed at the end of 2009. After moving to the University of Manchester she formed a further partnership which won the €9M, 38 partner, iFAAM project. This sought to exploit much of the knowledge gained in EuroPrevall to develop tools and approaches to enable more effective management of food allergies. other aspects of her research on food allergy include projects funded by the European Union, European Food Safety Authority and the Food Standards Agency on different aspects of food allergen management, analysis and allergenicity risk assessment, including aspects relating to novel foods. This includes the £1.8 M PAFA project which is discovering how many adults suffer from IgE-mediated food allergies, and investigating risk factors involved in driving IgE-mediated food allergies.
Professor Mills is a member of the FSA Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes and was involved in the recent FAO-WHO Ad Hoc Expert Consultation on Food Allergens and has more than 200 refereed publications.
Projects Delivering Insights into Food Allergy

ResearchResearch interests
Her research interests are focused on structure-function relationships in food proteins particularly with regards what makes some proteins, and not others, become allergens. This includes investigating the effects of the food matrix and processing on resistance of food proteins to digestion and the role this plays in determining the allergenicity of foods and interactions with the immune system. The group are also investigating how host related factors, such as viral infections, which may exacerbate allergic immune responses and affect severity of reaction.
The research is underpinned by the application of multi'omics technology, including recent innovations in single cell analysis, particularly proteomics and metabolomics. These methods are applied to the analysis of human biological samples, cell models of the gut epithelium and immune system, and characterisation of allergens in foods. These tools also provide a mean of assessing the allergenic risks posed by alternative proteins that are being developed to reduce green-house gas emissions associated with food production, from sources as diverse as insect and algae.
Such work is inherently transdisciplinary spanning bioinformatics and health data science, to mass spectrometry imaging of metabolites and protein in cells, all undertaken in partnership with clinical scientists and patients, to provide insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in food allergy and ultimately improve the health and well being of those with food allergies.
Research projects
Novel strategies for predicting allergenicity: development of a ranking method and screening tools to assess the allergy risk of innovative proteins OC/EFSA/GMO/2021/04In silico methods are an integral part of the allergenicity risk assessment process, both for novel foods and newly expressed proteins in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for food use. They help to identify novel proteins that have the potential to cause cross-reactive food allergies in the existing allergic population. Many of the tools developed rely on databases of curated allergen sequences but the curation process does not necessarily consider whether an allergen is clinically relevant and plays a role in triggering an IgE-mediated reaction. In order to fill this gap in our knowledge, a systematic review of allergens identified in a range of foods is planned. The foods include those for which food allergen labelling is mandated in the European Union and the UK, other foods such as fruit, which are known to cause IgE-mediated food allergies in at least 0.5% of the European population and foods of low allergenicity such as rice. The approach taken includes a Population-Outcome (PO) approach in order to address the primary research question “What scientific knowledge (evidence) is there that clinical manifestation(s) of IgE-mediated allergic reaction(s) are caused by ingestion of a food?”. A modified Population-Exposure-Comparator-Outcome (PECO) approach is then being taken to address the secondary research question “Which food protein molecules are recognised by serum-IgE from individuals allergic to foods (identified by addressing the primary question) and are responsible for causing an IgE-mediated adverse reaction to those foods?”. This is being undertaken with a side-byside evaluation of the in silico tools currently used in allergenicity risk assessment of newly expressed proteins in GMOs and novel proteins.
Research interests
Her research interests are focused on structure-function relationships in food proteins particularly with regards what makes some proteins, and not others, become allergens. This includes investigating the effects of the food matrix and processing on resistance of food proteins to digestion and the role this plays in determining the allergenicity of foods and interactions with the immune system. The group are also investigating how host related factors, such as viral infections, which may exacerbate allergic immune responses and affect severity of reaction.
The research is underpinned by the application of multi'omics technology, including recent innovations in single cell analysis, particularly proteomics and metabolomics. These methods are applied to the analysis of human biological samples, cell models of the gut epithelium and immune system, and characterisation of allergens in foods. These tools also provide a mean of assessing the allergenic risks posed by alternative proteins that are being developed to reduce green-house gas emissions associated with food production, from sources as diverse as insect and algae.
Such work is inherently transdisciplinary spanning bioinformatics and health data science, to mass spectrometry imaging of metabolites and protein in cells, all undertaken in partnership with clinical scientists and patients, to provide insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in food allergy and ultimately improve the health and well being of those with food allergies.
Research projects
In silico methods are an integral part of the allergenicity risk assessment process, both for novel foods and newly expressed proteins in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for food use. They help to identify novel proteins that have the potential to cause cross-reactive food allergies in the existing allergic population. Many of the tools developed rely on databases of curated allergen sequences but the curation process does not necessarily consider whether an allergen is clinically relevant and plays a role in triggering an IgE-mediated reaction. In order to fill this gap in our knowledge, a systematic review of allergens identified in a range of foods is planned. The foods include those for which food allergen labelling is mandated in the European Union and the UK, other foods such as fruit, which are known to cause IgE-mediated food allergies in at least 0.5% of the European population and foods of low allergenicity such as rice. The approach taken includes a Population-Outcome (PO) approach in order to address the primary research question “What scientific knowledge (evidence) is there that clinical manifestation(s) of IgE-mediated allergic reaction(s) are caused by ingestion of a food?”. A modified Population-Exposure-Comparator-Outcome (PECO) approach is then being taken to address the secondary research question “Which food protein molecules are recognised by serum-IgE from individuals allergic to foods (identified by addressing the primary question) and are responsible for causing an IgE-mediated adverse reaction to those foods?”. This is being undertaken with a side-byside evaluation of the in silico tools currently used in allergenicity risk assessment of newly expressed proteins in GMOs and novel proteins.
Sustainable development goals
My research interests are related to the following:

Development and validation of the Food Allergy Severity Score
Fernández-Rivas M, Gómez Ga.rcía I, Gonzalo-Fernández A, Fuentes Ferrer M, Dölle-Bierke S, Marco-Martín G, Ballmer-Weber BK, Asero R, Belohlavkova S, Beyer K, de Blay F, Clausen M, Datema MR, Dubakiene R, Grimshaw KEC, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hourihane JO, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Knulst AC, Kralimarkova T, Le TM, Papadopoulos NG, Popov TA, Poulsen LK, Purohit A, Seneviratne SL, Simpson A, Sinaniotis A, Turkalji M, Vázquez-Cortés S, Vera-Berrios RN, Muraro A, Worm M, Roberts G, van Ree R, Fernández-Pérez C, Turner PJ, Mills ENC. 2022 Allergy. 77(5):1545-1558. https://doi.org/10.1111/all.15165
Understanding more about severe food allergic reactions is crucial to helping protect allergic consumers. Developing a validated severity score is an important step to helping to standardise patient management and support research into better ways of diagnosing and treating food allergies. This paper described the development and validation of two diferent types of food allergy severity scores (FASS) capitalising on clinical data collected from across Europe as part of the iFAAM project.
Bile salts enhance the digestibility of the stable allergen from peach, Pru p 3
Wang, K., Gali-Moya, J., Ruano-Zaragoza, M. Cain K, D'Auria G, Daly M, Barran P, Crevel R, Mills ENC. 2023 Sci Rep 13, 15155 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39599-0
In the Mediterranean area there is a pattern of severe food allergies to fresh fruits, such as peach, which is driven by a molecule called a lipid transfer protein, also known as Pru p 3. The proteins stability is thought to play a role in its allergenicity. We have discovered that bile salts enhance the in vitro gastrointestinal digestibility of Pru p 3 and reduce, but not abolish, the ability of the protein to bind IgE from peach allergic subjects.
Measurement of food allergen protein concentrations against thresholds can improve allergen risk management and precautionary allergen labelling. Such measurement suffers well known problems which could be ameliorated by well characterised reference materials (RMs) providing meaningful information for risk assessors. We investigated the preparation and characterisation of the first consensus informed industrially and clinically relevant multi-allergen matrix RM kit for five priority allergens. It is a medium analytical difficulty processed food chocolate paste matrix (a) devoid of allergens, and (b) incurred with five allergens at the clinically relevant concentration of 10 mg kg−1 expressed as protein. The allergen raw materials: hens’ egg white powder, skimmed cows’ milk powder, almond powder (full fat), hazelnut powder (partially defatted), and walnut powder (partially defatted), are also available as RMs. The preparation, gravimetric traceability to the SI, homogeneity, and stability were found to be fit-for-purpose and the RMs are now available to the analytical community.
Background Celery root is known to cause severe allergic reactions in patients sensitized to mugwort pollen. Objective We studied clinically well-characterized patients with celery allergy by IgE testing with a comprehensive panel of celery allergens to disentangle the molecular basis of what is known as the celery–mugwort syndrome. Methods Patients with suspected food allergy to celery underwent a standardized interview. Main inclusion criteria were a positive food challenge with celery or an unambiguous case history of severe anaphylaxis. IgE to celery allergens (rApi g 1.01, rApi g 1.02, rApi g 2, rApi g 4, nApi g 5, rApi g 6, rApi g 7) and to mugwort allergens (rArt v 1, rArt v 3, rArt v 4) were determined. IgE levels ≥0.35 kUA/L were regarded positive. Results Seventy-nine patients with allergy to celery were included. Thirty patients had mild oral or rhinoconjunctival symptoms, and 49 had systemic reactions. Sixty-eight percent had IgE to celery extract, 80% to birch pollen, and 77% to mugwort pollen. A combination of Api g 1.01, 1.02, 4, 5, and 7 increased the diagnostic sensitivity for celery allergy to 92%. The lipid transfer proteins Api g 2 and Api g 6 were not relevant in our celery-allergic population. IgE to Api g 7, detected in 52% of patients, correlated closely (r = 0.86) to Art v 1 from mugwort pollen. Eleven of 12 patients with monosensitization to Api g 7 were IgE negative to celery extract. The odds ratio for developing a severe anaphylactic reaction rather than only mild oral symptoms was about 6 times greater (odds ratio, 5.87; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-32.0; P = .0410) for Api g 7–sensitized versus –nonsensitized subjects. Conclusion There is an urgent need for routine diagnostic tests to assess sensitization to Api g 7, not only to increase test sensitivity but also to identify patients at risk of a severe allergic reaction to celery.
Mass spectrometry has been widely accepted as a confirmatory tool for the sensitive detection of undeclared presence of allergenic ingredients. Multiple methods have been developed so far, achieving different levels of sensitivity and robustness, still lacking harmonization of the analytical validation and impairing comparability of results. In this investigation, a quantitative method has been validated in-house for the determination of six allergenic ingredients (cow's milk, hen's egg, peanut, soybean, hazelnut, and almond) in a chocolate-based matrix. The latter has been produced in a food pilot plant to provide a real and well-characterized matrix for proper assessment of method performance characteristics according to official guidelines. In particular, recent considerations issued by the European Committee for Standardization have been followed to guide a rigorous single-laboratory validation and to feature the main method performance, such as selectivity, linearity, and sensitivity. Synthetic surrogates of the peptide markers have been used both in native and labelled forms in matrix-matched calibration curves as external calibrants and internal standards, respectively. A two-order of magnitude range was investigated, focusing on the low concentration range for proper assessment of the detection and quantification limits (LOD and LOQ) by rigorous calibration approach. Conversion factors for all six allergenic ingredients have been determined for the first time to report the final quantitative information as fraction of total allergenic food protein (TAFP) per mass of food (µg /g ), since such a reporting unit is exploitable in allergenic risk assessment plans. The method achieved good sensitivity with LOD values ranging between 0.08 and 0.2 µg /g , for all ingredients besides egg and soybean, whose quantitative markers reported a slightly higher limit (1.1 and 1.2 µg /g , respectively). Different samples of chocolate bar incurred at four defined concentration levels close to the currently available threshold doses have been analyzed to test the quantitative performance of the analytical method, with a proper estimate of the measurement uncertainty from different sources of variability. The sensitivity achieved resulted in compliance with the various threshold doses issued or recommended worldwide.
With a society increasingly demanding alternative protein food sources, new strategies for evaluating protein safety issues, such as allergenic potential, are needed. Large-scale and systemic studies on allergenic proteins are hindered by the limited and non-harmonized clinical information available for these substances in dedicated databases. A missing key information is that representing the symptomatology of the allergens, especially given in terms of standard vocabularies, that would allow connecting with other biomedical resources to carry out different studies related to human health. In this work, we have generated the first resource with a comprehensive annotation of allergens' symptomatology, using a text-mining approach that extracts significant co-mentions between these entities from the scientific literature (PubMed, similar to 36 million abstracts). The method identifies statistically significant co-mentions between the textual descriptions of the two types of entities in the literature as indication of relationship. 1,180 clinical signs extracted from the Human Phenotype Ontology, the Medical Subject Heading terms of PubMed together with other allergen-specific symptoms, were linked to 1,036 unique allergens annotated in two main allergen-related public databases via 14,009 relationships. This novel resource, publicly available through an interactive web interface, could serve as a starting point for future manually curated compilation of allergen symptomatology.
Precautionary Allergen (“may contain”) Labelling (PAL) is used by industry to communicate potential risk to food-allergic individuals posed by unintended allergen presence (UAP). In 2014, the World Allergy Organization (WAO) highlighted that PAL use was increasing, but often applied inconsistently and without regulation — which reduces its usefulness to consumers with food allergy and those purchasing food for them. WAO proposed the need for a regulated, international framework to underpin application of PAL. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations convened an expert consultation to address the issue of PAL, the outputs of which are now being considered by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL). To summarise the latest data to inform the application of PAL in a more systematic way, for implementation into global food standards. A non-systematic review of issues surrounding precautionary labelling and food allergens in pre-packaged products. Approximately, 100 countries around the world have legislation on the declaration of allergenic ingredients. Just a few have legislation on UAP. Given the risks that UAP entails, non-regulated PAL creates inconvenience in real life due to its unequal, difficult interpretation by patients. The attempts made so far to rationalize PAL present lights and shadows. At a time when CCFL is considering the results of the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation 2020–2023, we summarise the prospects to develop an effective and homogeneous legislation at a global level, and the areas of uncertainty that might hinder international agreement on a regulated framework for PAL of food allergens.
Sensitisation to the lipid transfer protein Pru p 3 is associated with severe allergic reactions to peach, the proteins stability being thought to play a role in its allergenicity. Lipid binding increases susceptibility of Pru p 3 to digestion and so the impact of bile salts on the in vitro gastrointestinal digestibility of Pru p 3 was investigated and digestion products mapped by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Bile salts enhanced the digestibility of Pru p 3 resulting in an ensemble of around 100 peptides spanning the protein’s sequence which were linked by disulphide bonds into structures of ~ 5–6 kDa. IgE binding studies with a serum panel from peach allergic subjects showed digestion reduced, but did not abolish, the IgE reactivity of Pru p 3. These data show the importance of including bile salts in vitro digestion systems and emphasise the need to profile of digestion in a manner that allows identification of immunologically relevant disulphide-linked peptide aggregates.
Rapid and comprehensive genetic sequencing has shed light on the origin of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and allowed timely implementation of PCR tests to determine the presence of viral RNA. PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 are some way from being reliably qualitative and will never indicate how the disease might progress in an individual. As COVID-19 becomes endemic, there is a concomitant need for accurate serological assays to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 antigens and ultimately tests for prognostic markers to target treatment options.1,2 With this considerable genetic insight, and the emerging structural information, comes associated questions regarding the molecular descriptors that contribute to disease progression, especially when we consider spread across different populations. The power of mass spectrometry to generate rapid, precise, and reproducible diagnostic information that complements genomic information and accelerates our understanding of the disease, is now becoming a reality.
Additional publications
- Wang K, Gali-Moya J, Ruano-Zaragoza M, Cain K, D'Auria G, Daly M, Barran P, Crevel R, Mills ENC. 2023 Bile salts enhance the susceptibility of the peach allergenic lipid transfer protein, Pru p 3, to in vitro gastrointestinal proteolysis. Sci Rep. Sep 13(1):15155.
- ÁKallen EJJ, Revers A, Fernández-Rivas M, Asero R, Ballmer-Weber B, Barreales L, Belohlavkova S, de Blay F, Clausen M, Dubakiene R, Ebisawa M, Fernández-Perez C, Fritsche P, Fukutomi Y, Gislason D, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Knulst AC, Kowalski ML, Kralimarkova T, Lidholm J, Metzler C, Mills ENC, Papadopoulos NG, Popov TA, Purohit A, Reig I, Seneviratne SL, Sinaniotis A, Takei M, Versteeg SA, Vassilopoulou AE, Vieths S, Welsing PMJ, Zwinderman AH, Le TM, Van Ree R. 2023 A European-Japanese study on peach allergy: IgE to Pru p 7 associates with severity. Allergy. doi: 10.1111/all.15783. Epub ahead of print.
- Wang K, Crevel RWR, Mills ENC. 2023 An in vitro protocol to characterise the resistance of food proteins to intestinal digestion. Food Chem Toxicol.173:113590.
- Daly M, Huang X, Nitride C, Tranquet O, Rogers A, Shewry PR, Gethings LA, Mills ENC. 2023 A chromatographic and immunoprofiling approach to optimising workflows for extraction of gluten proteins from flour. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 15;1215:123554..
- Wu J, Bahri R, Tsoumani M, Semic-Jusufagic A, Murray CS, Custovic A, Guibas GV, Bennett M, Wang R,, Gauvreau G, Cusack R, Mills C, Bulfone-Paus S, Simpson A. 2023 Progenitor cell-derived basophils: A novel barcoded passive degranulation assay in allergic diseases. Clin Exp Allergy;53(4):405-416.
- D'Auria G, Nitride C, Nicolai MA, Mamone G, Montesano D, Mills ENC, Ferranti P. Identification of allergen encoding sequences in a novel food ingredient from Moringa oleifera leaves. 2023 Food Chem. 401:134185.
- Henrottin J, Pilolli R, Huet AC, Van Poucke C, Nitride C, de Loose M, Tranquet O, Larré C, Adel-Patient K, Bernard H, Mills ENC, Gillard N, Monaci L 2023 Optimization of a sample preparation workflow based on UHPLC-MS/MS method for multi-allergen detection in chocolate: An outcome of the ThRAll project. Food Control 143: 109256
- Wang K, Crevel RWR, Mills ENC. 2022 Assessing protein digestibility in allergenicity risk assessment: A comparison of in silico and high throughput in vitro gastric digestion assays. Food Chem Toxicol;167:113273.
- Fernández-Rivas M, Gómez Ga.rcía I, Gonzalo-Fernández A, Fuentes Ferrer M, Dölle-Bierke S, Marco-Martín G, Ballmer-Weber BK, Asero R, Belohlavkova S, Beyer K, de Blay F, Clausen M, Datema MR, Dubakiene R, Grimshaw KEC, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hourihane JO, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Knulst AC, Kralimarkova T, Le TM, Papadopoulos NG, Popov TA, Poulsen LK, Purohit A, Seneviratne SL, Simpson A, Sinaniotis A, Turkalji M, Vázquez-Cortés S, Vera-Berrios RN, Muraro A, Worm M, Roberts G, van Ree R, Fernández-Pérez C, Turner PJ, Mills ENC. 2022 Development and validation of the food allergy severity score. Allergy. 77(5):1545-1558.
- Dua S, Ruiz-Garcia M, Bond S, Dowey J, Durham SR, Kimber I, Mills C, Roberts G, Skypala I, Wason J, Ewan P, Boyle RJ, Clark A. 2022 Effects of Exercise and Sleep Deprivation on Reaction Severity During Oral Peanut Challenge: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract.10(9):2404-2413.e1.
- Muraro A, de Silva D, Halken S, Worm M, Khaleva E, Arasi S, Dunn-Galvin A, Nwaru BI, De Jong NW, Rodríguez Del Río P, Turner PJ, Smith P, Begin P, Angier E, Arshad H, Ballmer-Weber B, Beyer K, Bindslev-Jensen C, Cianferoni A, Demoulin C, Deschildre A, Ebisawa M, Fernandez-Rivas MM, Fiocchi A, Flokstra-de Blok B, Gerdts J, Gradman J, Grimshaw K, Jones C, Lau S, Loh R, Alvaro Lozano M, Makela M, Marchisotto MJ, Meyer R, Mills C, Nilsson C, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Nurmatov U, Pajno G, Podestà M, Poulsen LK, Sampson HA, Sanchez A, Schnadt S, Szajewska H, Van Ree R, Venter C, Vlieg-Boerstra B, Warner A, Wong G, Wood R, Zuberbier T, Roberts G; 2022 GA2LEN Food Allergy Guideline Group; GALEN Food Allergy Guideline Group. Managing food allergy: GA2LEN guideline 2022. World Allergy Organ J. 7;15(9):100687.
- Daly ME, Wang K, Pan X, Depau RL, Marsh J, Capozzi F, Johnson P, Gethings LA, Mills ENC. 2022 The Fate of IgE Epitopes and Coeliac Toxic Motifs during Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion of Pizza Base. Foods. 11(14):2000.
- Huet AC, Paulus M, Henrottin J, Brossard C, Tranquet O, Bernard H, Pilolli R, Nitride C, Larré C, Adel-Patient K, Monaci L, Mills ENC, De Loose M, Gillard N, Van Poucke C. 2022 Development of incurred chocolate bars and broth powder with six fully characterised food allergens as test materials for food allergen analysis. Anal Bioanal Chem. 414(8):2553-2570.
- Turner PJ, Baumert JL, Beyer K, Brooke-Taylor S, Comberiati P, Crevel RWR, Gerdts JD, Hazel Gowland M, Houben GF, Hourihane JO, Konstantinou GN, La Vieille S, Moya B, Muraro A, Mills ENC, Patel N, Podestà M, Popping B, Reese I, Roberts G, Said M, Santos AF, Schnadt S, Taylor SL, Vlieg-Boerstra B, Remington BC; 2022 EAACI Taskforce on Food allergen thresholds. 'Too high, too low': The complexities of using thresholds in isolation to inform precautionary allergen ('may contain') labels. Allergy.77(6):1661-1666.
- Datema MR, Lyons SA, Fernández-Rivas M, Ballmer-Weber B, Knulst AC, Asero R, Barreales L, Belohlavkova S, de Blay F, Clausen M, Dubakiene R, Fernández-Perez C, Fritsche P, Gislason D, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Jongejan L, Kowalski ML, Kralimarkova TZ, Lidholm J, Papadopoulos NG, Popov TA, Del Prado N, Purohit A, Reig I, Seneviratne SL, Sinaniotis A, Vassilopoulou E, Versteeg SA, Vieths S, Welsing PMJ, Mills ENC, Le TM, Zwinderman AH, van Ree R. 2021 Estimating the Risk of Severe Peanut Allergy Using Clinical Background and IgE Sensitization Profiles. Front Allergy. 2:670789.
- Ivarez García O, Bartra J, Ruiz-Garcia M, Skypala IJ, Durham SR, Boyle RJ, Mills ENC, Turner PJ. 2022 No apparent impact of incremental dosing on eliciting dose at double-blind, placebo-controlled peanut challenge. Allergy. 77: 667-670 doi:10.1111/all.15130.
- Mattar H, Padfield P, Simpson A, Mills ENC. 2021 The impact of a baked muffin matrix on the bioaccessibility and IgE reactivity of egg and peanut allergens. Food Chem. 362:129879.
- Patel N, Adelman DC, Anagnostou K, Baumert JL, Blom WM, Campbell DE, Chinthrajah RS, Mills ENC, Javed B, Purington N, Remington BC, Sampson HA, Smith AD, Yarham RAR, Turner PJ. 2021 Using data from food challenges to inform management of consumers with food allergy: A systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 147:2249-2262.
- Turner PJ, Patel N, Ballmer-Weber BK, Baumert JL, Blom WM, Brooke-Taylor S, Brough H, Campbell DE, Chen H, Chinthrajah RS, Crevel RW, Dubois AEJ, Ebisawa M, Elizur A, Gerdts JD, Gowland MH, Houben GF, Hourihane JO, Knulst AC, La Vieille S, López MC, Mills ENC, Polenta GA, Purington N, Said M, Sampson HA, Schnadt S, Södergren E, Taylor SL, Remington BC. 2021 Peanut can be used as a reference allergen for hazard characterization in food allergen risk management: A rapid evidence assessment and meta-analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. S2213-2198(21)00907-7.
- Stafford A, Bartra J, Aston A, Mills ENC, Fernandez-Rivas M, Turner PJ. Improving Severity Scoring of Food-Induced Allergic Reactions: A Global "Best-Worst Scaling" Exercise. 2021 J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. S2213-2198(21)00789-3.
- Turner PJ, d'Art YM, Duca B, Chastell SA, Marco-Martin G, Vera-Berrios RN, Alvarez O, Bazire R, Rodríguez Del Río P, Vazquez-Ortiz M, Baumert JL, van Ree R, Mills CEN, Fernandez-Rivas M, Hourihane JO. 2021 Single-dose oral challenges to validate eliciting doses in children with cow's milk allergy. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 10.1111/pai.13482.
- Geisslitz S, Shewry P, Brouns F, America AHP, Caio GPI, Daly M, D'Amico S, De Giorgio R, Gilissen L, Grausgruber H, Huang X, Jonkers D, Keszthelyi D, Larré C, Masci S, Mills C, Møller MS, Sorrells ME, Svensson B, Zevallos VF, Weegels PL. 2021 Wheat ATIs: Characteristics and Role in Human Disease. Front Nutr. 8:667370.
- Sigurdardottir ST, Jonasson K, Clausen M, Lilja Bjornsdottir K, Sigurdardottir SE, Roberts G, Grimshaw K, Papadopoulos NG, Xepapadaki P, Fiandor A, Quirce S, Sprikkelman AB, Hulshof L, Kowalski ML, Kurowski M, Dubakiene R, Rudzeviciene O, Bellach J, Yürek S, Reich A, Erhard SM, Couch P, Rivas MF, van Ree R, Mills C, Grabenhenrich L, Beyer K, Keil T. 2021 Prevalence and early-life risk factors of school-age allergic multimorbidity: The EuroPrevall-iFAAM birth cohort. Allergy. doi: 10.1111/all.14857. Online ahead of print.
- Pilolli R, Van Poucke C, De Angelis E, Nitride C, de Loose M, Gillard N, Huet AC, Tranquet O, Larré C, Adel-Patient K, Bernard H, Mills ENC, Monaci L. 2021 Discovery based high resolution MS/MS analysis for selection of allergen markers in chocolate and broth powder matrices. Food Chem. 343:128533.
- Fernandez A, Mills ENC, Koning F, Moreno FJ. 2021 Allergenicity Assessment of Novel Food Proteins: What Should Be Improved? Trends Biotechnol. 39:4-8.
- Lyons SA, Knulst AC, Burney PGJ, Fernandez-Rivas M, Ballmer-Weber BK, Barreales L, Bieli C, Clausen M, Dubakiene R, Fernandez-Perez C, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Kowalski ML, Kummeling I, Kralimarkova T, Mustakov TB, van Os-Medendorp H, Papadopoulos NG, Popov TA, Potts J, Versteeg SA, Xepapadaki P, Welsing PMJ, Mills C, van Ree R, Le TM. 2021 Predicting food allergy: The value of patient history reinforced. Allergy. May;76(5):1454-1462.
- Lyons SA, Datema MR, Le TM, Asero R, Barreales L, Belohlavkova S, de Blay F, Clausen M, Dubakiene R, Fernández-Perez C, Fritsche P, Gislason D, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Jongejan L, Kowalski ML, Kralimarkova TZ, Lidholm J, Papadopoulos NG, Pontoppidan B, Popov TA, Prado ND, Purohit A, Reig I, Seneviratne SL, Sinaniotis A, Vassilopoulou E, Versteeg SA, Vieths S, Zwinderman AH, Welsing PMJ, Mills ENC, Ballmer-Weber BK, Knulst AC, Fernández-Rivas M, Van Ree R. 2021 Walnut Allergy Across Europe: Distribution of Allergen Sensitization Patterns and Prediction of Severity. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 9(1):225-235.
- Ruiz-Garcia M, Bartra J, Alvarez O, Lakhani A, Patel S, Tang A, Sim M, Shamji MH, Skypala I, Mills ENC, Lyon AR, Hayward C, Durham SR, Turner PJ, Boyle RJ. 2021 Cardiovascular changes during peanut-induced allergic reactions in human subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 147(2):633-642
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