Extenuating circumstances
During the course of your studies you may experience unforeseen exceptional circumstances that temporarily impair your ability to participate in your programme, submit your assessments or attend examinations or other assessment related events such as an in-semester test or a performance. In such exceptional cases, you may consider applying for extenuating circumstances. Before doing so, it is strongly recommended that you first discuss the matter with either your personal tutor or the MySurrey Hive team to ensure you fully understand the implications of this process for your particular circumstances.
More information on extenuating circumstances (ECs) including self-certification, required evidence, making an application, etc, can be found on MySurrey and in the Regulations for extenuating circumstances.
If you become aware after the deadline or event affected, after your results are ratified and released, then you should make an academic appeal on the grounds of extenuating circumstances.
Your evidence will need to show two things:
- That your performance was affected by extenuating circumstances.
- That there were valid reasons why you could not report your extenuating circumstances at the time. (See Regulation 37 of the regulations for extenuating circumstances (PDF) for full details of what may be considered a valid reason for not having provided evidence at the relevant time.)
Further information prior to applying for extenuating circumstances (ECs) can be found here. This includes information on:
- The EC grounds
- Types of ECs
- Important information before applying for ECs
- Guidance on how to apply for ECs
- A link to submit an EC application online via Surrey Self-Service
- Information on withdrawing ECs
Temporary Withdrawals
If you are experiencing personal difficulties that are impacting on your studies and you require longer than can be permitted via an EC application, you may wish to consider taking a period of temporary withdrawal (TW) for a maximum period usually of no more than 12 months.
Further information prior to applying for a TW can be found here.
This includes information on both temporary and permanent withdrawals and how to apply for each.
If you have any questions, you can seek support from your personal tutor or MySurrey Hive team. You may wish also to contact the Students' Union who can offer impartial advice to all students.