
Find out more about the OSCAR team and get in touch with your queries.

What we do

The Office of Student Complaints, Appeals, and Regulation (OSCAR) is an elite pool of investigators with recognised qualifications in Investigative Interviewing and Mediation. We also keep up to date with all training and sector best practice relevant to our subject areas.

When cases of student misconduct come to light, we act quickly to ensure they are investigated to the highest quality and follow due process. We also lend our expertise to complex cases investigated by Human Resources (HR).

Outside of misconduct, our remit also covers a range of supportive procedures, including Professionals Meetings and Support to Study cases, designed to encourage student engagement and support our students to succeed. Regardless of the process, we aim to ensure that outcomes have a positive resolution for the whole of the University of Surrey community, and this is reflected in our exemplary record with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.

In addition to casework, OSCAR regularly review the University of Surrey Regulations, Procedures, Codes of Practice and Policies in response to sector changes. We work closely with Faculties and Professional Services across the University to develop and improve processes with the aim of improving the student experience.


The Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulation (OSCAR) deals with the administration of:

  • Academic appeals
  • Disciplinary matters
  • Complaints
  • Fitness to practise
  • Support to study
  • Managed exclusion orders
  • Criminal conviction disclosures
  • Appeals against academic misconduct decisions
  • Appeals against a decision to withdraw sponsorship of a student visa
  • Residential casework
  • Report + Support submissions
  • Acting as a Point of Contact for complaints received by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)
  • University Quality Framework (Regulations, Procedures, Codes of practice and Policies) rolling review and update
  • Regular reporting to senior University Committees and Council

Our vision

Our vision is to establish OSCAR as sector-leading experts in case management and clear and transparent regulations and procedures through collaboration, innovation and integrity.

Our Office works closely with Faculties and Professional Services across the University to offer advice and support on cases within our remit. We also work closely with colleagues to develop and improve processes, where there is an institutional need.

We are also available to attend staff meetings to provide staff with an overview of what OSCAR do and the type of support that we can provide. 

We can provide general advice to students but we cannot advise them on individual cases as this would present a conflict of interest. The Students’ Union is available to offer advice and support to students for such matters.

Our values

  • Expert
  • Independent
  • Resilient
  • Approachable
  • Trustworthy
  • Equitable

Contact us

  • oscar@surrey.ac.uk
  • +44 (0)1483 686868 (Please note that updates on casework will only be done via email.)

 Meet the Team

NameRoleEmail address
Glenn MoultonHead of OSCARg.moulton@surrey.ac.uk
Corina BrindDeputy Head of OSCARc.brind@surrey.ac.uk
Joanne Blyth Case Manager with a specialism in Academic Integrity Appealsj.blyth@surrey.ac.uk
Stephen HoldenCase Manager with a specialism in academic governance and regulationss.holden@surrey.ac.uk
Amy KnightSenior Case Manager (Sexual Misconduct and Harassment)amy.knight@surrey.ac.uk
Babs MacLeanResidential Case Manager with a specialism in disciplinary matters and Managed Exclusion Orders (MEOs)b.maclean@surrey.ac.uk
Phoebe RichardsCase Manager with a specialism in Academic Appealsp.richards@surrey.ac.uk
Amy ScottFaculty Case Manager with a specialism in formal complaints, Fitness to Practise and Support to Study mattersa.scott@surrey.ac.uk
Tuo Li (Kiwi)OSCAR Coordinatort.li@surrey.ac.uk