Published: 28 March 2025

Surrey Sports Park installs solar panels

The University of Surrey continues to drive towards its net zero 2030 goal with the installation of solar panels on the roof of Surrey Sports Park.

Working together with the University’s sustainability team, the staff at Surrey Sports Park have created a progressive strategy to reduce the building’s carbon footprint and find opportunities to reduce energy use.


 Changes that have already been put in place include:

  • UV lights which clean the pool water reducing the need for chemicals
  • Production of our own chlorine reducing transportation and processing
  • Central heating and air con controlled from central space to reduce overuse
  • Moving to LED lighting
  • Automated taps to remove wastage.


Over the next five years, further changes will take place to bring the University closer to its sustainability goals, including increasing green spaces, utilising grey water and maximising efficiencies in airflow.


The solar panels being fitted to the roof of the Sports Park, along with the new solar facility to be installed at the University’s adjacent Blackwell Farm site, are all part of the University’s commitment to embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals into operations, teaching and research. Our commitment to develop a net zero campus that blends the ongoing development of teaching, study and research facilities with the need for spaces that support physical and mental wellness is Goal 1 in the infrastructure strategy focus area of Surrey’s Vision 2041.


To find out more about Surrey Sports Park’s sustainability journey email or follow @surreysportpark on Instagram.

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