Published: 10 June 2024

Surrey hosts inaugural Sustainability Awards

The University’s first Sustainability Awards, organised by the Sustainability Team, took place on Thursday 6 June to recognise individuals and teams who have gone above and beyond to embed sustainable practices at the University and within the community.

Twelve teams involved with Green Impact, a sustainable accreditation scheme open to staff from all departments, were awarded participation, bronze, silver or gold awards. 

The University’s first labs to get involved with LEAF, a sustainable labs accreditation scheme, were also celebrated – with six labs in total receiving a bronze LEAF award.

Ceremony highlights included the presentation of the University’s Special Awards, recognising individuals and teams making a significant sustainable difference to the University and the wider community. The Special Award winners were: 

  • Sustainability Hero: Katy Downton (GSA) - for their achievements as a Sustainability Champion for GSA
  • Community Action: Michelle Rimmington (FASS), Susan Keirle (EFCS) and Amy Woods (EFCS) - for encouraging reuse of unwanted items, setting up partnerships with local schools and charities
  • Environmental Improvement: Hannah Davies and Catherine Finnegan (Vet School) - for developing a veterinary module, encouraging students to act sustainably in the workforce
  • Innovation for Engagement: Vet School Sustainability Working Group - for rolling out sustainable practices, encouraging staff and students to join the working group
  • Student Leadership: Cemsu Senyurt (MSc Sustainable Development) - for increasing student awareness and involvement in sustainability initiatives

President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Max Lu said: "Sustainability is at the very heart of our campus and our research, so I am delighted that this first Sustainability Awards ceremony recognises the positive, sustainable actions our colleagues and students are taking. 

I would like to congratulate all award winners and nominees on their achievements, which play such a significant part in helping the University community to achieve the challenging targets we have set ourselves."

Find out how you can get involved with sustainability at Surrey.

Thanks to our suppliers Bidfood, Circuit, Simply Fresh and Bright Horizons for sponsoring this year’s awards.

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