Put your money where your mouth is to create healthier, greener food systems, Surrey experts urge governments
Public bodies can make or break local initiatives like community gardens, pantries, and food partnerships, and they should use that power for good, say researchers from the University of Surrey.

A study of 34 food initiatives in East London reveals how those projects were shaped by their interactions with councils, funders and housing associations.
In addition to controlling large budgets for school and hospital food, public bodies are often responsible for grants and permissions that much smaller projects rely on.
Surrey's study found that community cafes and pantries allow volunteers to take back control of retail and hospitality, helping communities come together and share knowledge about food.

In one case, a new community garden was unlocked by grant funding and the council's willingness to release a plot of land.
It was a very miserable time in my life. But I hobbled to the lift one day, and there was a tiny note: 'Anybody fancy doing guerrilla gardening?'Participant
And I thought, yeah, that'll be really lovely…money had been made available through Boris Johnson's scheme for the Olympics.
They were just building all these gardens along the route. We took advantage and got a start-up grant.
The study is published in the journal Cities.
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