Contact us
See our contact details for all your enquiries.
Your Surrey contact
If you have any questions about applying to Surrey, get in touch with us.
MENA International Team
Your in-country representatives
Our network of overseas representatives (often referred to as agents) have been appointed to help assist you with your application to Surrey.
Please note: using a representative is optional and independent applications will be considered on an equal basis.
Apply board
- https://www.applyboard.com/services/students
- + (00) 1-844-972-7759
- help@applyboard.com
AHZ Associates
Anoual Capital Center – 203, Angle Boulevard Anoual Et Boulevard Abdelmoumen – Bureau N°24 – Escalier B – Etage 5 – Casablanca
- +212 663-773168
- info.morocco@ahzassociates.co.uk
- https://facebook.com/ahzassociates.middleeast
- https://ahzassociates.co.uk/global-branches/
Global Study UK - Morocco
Casablanca: Belgi Center, Étage 5, Appt B26, 17 Rue Ibnou Khallikane, Casablanca
Rabat: 11 Avenue Allal Ben Abdellah, Rabat 10000, Rabat
Tangier: Étage 5, Office 31, Angle Boulevard Med V et Rue El Mohtamid Abbad
Study Abroad Global
8ème étage n°150 ESC 2 capital office, 7, angle boulevard Abdelmoumen et rue Rachati, Casablanca
SI-UK Morocco
Casablanca: 5th floor, Twin Center (Tower A), Boulevard Al Massira Al Khadra, Casablanca 20100
- +212 766971419
- casablanca@studyin-uk.com
- www.siuk-morocco.com.
Useful links
- British Council’s ‘Guide to choosing an education agent’
- Reporting an agent: If you're not happy with the service you've received from an education agent, please fill out this form to share your feedback.
Disclaimer: University of Surrey has a commercial relationship with its network of education agents. A placement fee is paid to overseas representatives, who successfully enrol international students.