Student support in the Library
All new students are provided with a welcome to the Library in their first few weeks, to ensure they know the range of resources and opportunities available to them and where to go to when they need help.
What we offer
Integral to the University’s desire to provide the best possible experience for all students we offer academic skills and development training and disability and neurodiversity support. These services are located within the Library building.
Academic skills and development support
Striving to get the best from students.
Academic Skills and Development are dedicated to supporting students to become effective and independent learners. We work in a variety of ways to ensure that all students achieve their potential, delivering workshops, one to one advice sessions and through online resources. The team also works closely in partnership with teaching staff to embed academic skills and development directly into degree courses.
Our team of learning development advisers, librarians, and specialist maths and statistic advisers provide advice to all undergraduate and masters level students here at the University.
Find out more about the services we can provide for academic skills and development or contact us at academicskills@surrey.ac.uk.
Disability: a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal activities.The Equality Act 2010
Disability and neurodiversity support
Disability and Neurodiversity provide support to all disabled students at the University of Surrey as defined by The Equality Act (2010).
This includes specific learning differences such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, autistic spectrum conditions, physical disabilities, long-term medical conditions, sensory impairments and mental health conditions.
Our experienced team are passionate about supporting disabled students, helping them achieve their potential and fully participate in university life. There is a host of support that Disability and Neurodiversity can provide including:
- Advice and support whilst applying to university
- Adjustments for examinations and other aspects of teaching, learning and assessments
- Preferential accommodation (eligibility criteria apply)
- Parking permits (eligibility criteria apply)
- Specialist 1:1 support.
Find out more about the services we can provide for disability and neurodiversity or contact us at disability@surrey.ac.uk.
Further support
You can also use our archives and special collections for projects, and our open research team help make research easily discoverable, accessible and re-usable.