QB-DTC publications
- Bertagna F, Lewis R, Silva SRP, McFadden J, Jeevaratnam K. Effects of electromagnetic fields on neuronal ion channels: A systematic re view. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2021;1499(1):82-103. Effects of electromagnetic fields on neuronal ion channels: a systematic review - Bertagna - 2021 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Wiley Online Library
- Bertagna F, Lewis R, Silva SRP, McFadden J, Jeevaratnam K. Thapsigargin blocks electromagnetic field‐elicited intracellular Ca2+ increase in HEK 293 cells. Physiological Reports. 2022;10(9):e15189. Thapsigargin blocks electromagnetic field‐elicited intracellular Ca2+ increase in HEK 293 cells - Bertagna - 2022 - Physiological Reports - Wiley Online Library
- Burgess A, Florescu M. Non-Markovian dynamics of a single excitation within many-body dissipative systems. Physical Review A. 2022;105(6):062207. (20) (PDF) Non-Markovian Dynamics of a Single Excitation within Many-Body Dissipative Systems (researchgate.net)
- Burgess A, Florescu M. Modelling non-Markovian dynamics in photonic crystals with recurrent neural networks. Optical materials express. 2021;11(7):2037-48. Modelling non-Markovian dynamics in photonic crystals with recurrent neural networks (optica.org)
- Burgess A, Florescu M. Quantum Reservoir Computing Implementations for Classical and Quantum Problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:221108567. 2022. [2211.08567] Quantum Reservoir Computing Implementations for Classical and Quantum Problems (arxiv.org)
- Burgess A, Florescu M. Quantum memory effects in atomic ensembles coupled to photonic cavities. arXiv preprint arXiv:221108562. 2022. [2211.08562] Quantum memory effects in atomic ensembles coupled to photonic cavities (arxiv.org)
- Burgess A, Florescu M. Dynamical Decoherence and Memory Effects in Green Fluorescent Proteins by Dielectric Relaxation. arXiv preprint arXiv:221109408. 2022. [2211.09408] Dynamical Decoherence and Memory Effects in Green Fluorescent Proteins by Dielectric Relaxation (arxiv.org)
- Clarke-Whittet M, Rocco A, Gerber AP. Parameterising Translational Feedback Models of Autoregulatory RNA-Binding Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microorganisms. 2022;10(2):340. Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Parameterising Translational Feedback Models of Autoregulatory RNA-Binding Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (mdpi.com)
- Kim Y, Bertagna F, D’Souza EM, Heyes DJ, Johannissen LO, Nery ET, et al. Quantum biology: An update and perspective. Quantum Reports. 2021;3(1):80-126. Quantum Reports | Free Full-Text | Quantum Biology: An Update and Perspective (mdpi.com)
- Lally S, Werren N, Al-Khalili J, Rocco A. Master equation for non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion: The emergence of lateral coherences. Physical Review A. 2022;105(1):012209. Phys. Rev. A 105, 012209 (2022) - Master equation for non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion: The emergence of lateral coherences (aps.org)
- Slocombe L, Winokan M, Al-Khalili J, Sacchi M. Proton transfer during DNA strand separation as a source of mutagenic guanine-cytosine tautomers. Communications Chemistry. 2022;5(1):1-9. Proton transfer during DNA strand separation as a source of mutagenic guanine-cytosine tautomers | Communications Chemistry (nature.com)
- Slocombe, L., Winokan, M., Al-Khalili, J. and Sacchi, M., 2022. Proton transfer during DNA strand separation as a source of mutagenic guanine-cytosine tautomers. Communications Chemistry, 5(1), pp.1-9. Proton transfer during DNA strand separation as a source of mutagenic guanine-cytosine tautomers | Communications Chemistry (nature.com)
- Slocombe L, Sacchi M, Al-Khalili J. An open quantum systems approach to proton tunnelling in DNA. Communications Physics. 2022;5(1):1-9. An open quantum systems approach to proton tunnelling in DNA | Communications Physics (nature.com)
- Slocombe L, Al-Khalili J, Sacchi M. Quantum and classical effects in DNA point mutations: Watson–Crick tautomerism in AT and GC base pairs. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2021;23(7):4141-50. Quantum and classical effects in DNA point mutations: Watson–Crick tautomerism in AT and GC base pairs - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing)
- Spencer MG, Sacchi M, Allam J, Silva SRP. Resonant quenching of photoluminescence in porphyrin-nanocarbon agglomerates. Cell reports physical science. 2022:100916. Resonant quenching of photoluminescence in porphyrin-nanocarbon agglomerates (cell.com)
- Spencer MG, Sacchi M, Allam J, Silva S. Porphyrin–Nanocarbon Complexes to Control the Photodegradation of Rhodamine. ACS Omega. 2022. Porphyrin–Nanocarbon Complexes to Control the Photodegradation of Rhodamine | ACS Omega
- Vallée C, Howlin BJ, Lewis R. Single Ion Free Energy Calculation in ASIC1: The Importance of the HG loop. Physical chemistry chemical physics. 2022. Single ion free energy calculation in ASIC1: the importance of the HG loop - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing)
- Vallée C, Howlin B, Lewis R. Ion Selectivity in the ENaC/DEG Family: A Systematic Review with Supporting Analysis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 12;22(20):10998. doi: 10.3390/ijms222010998. PMID: 34681656; PMCID: PMC8536179. Ion Selectivity in the ENaC/DEG Family: A Systematic Review with Supporting Analysis - PubMed (nih.gov)