Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
Once you have been offered an unconditional place on one of our programmes, we will issue you with a reference number called a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). You will need to enter this number on to your visa application.
CAS timeline
Stage 1
Applicant accepts the offer
Undergraduate: To start the CAS process, you must have accepted us as a firm choice on UCAS.
Postgraduate: To start the CAS process, you must have firmly accepted your offer by paying any required deposit or supplying evidence of sponsorship / funding.
Stage 2
CAS application invite sent from Enroly
Once the requirements in stage 1 have been met, you will receive an email with instructions of how to complete the CAS application via CAS Shield and will be informed of any deadlines that need to be met.
Stage 3
Complete CAS application and upload documents
Once you have received the link to Enroly, you will need to activate your account and complete all the required fields and upload any supporting evidence. You must complete the CAS application fully before the allotted deadline.
The form consists of number of questions and checks for you to complete as requests for relevant documentation such as passport and previous VISAs. The application must be completed fully and accurately as it will determine if we are able to issue a CAS and what information will be sent to the UKVI.
Stage 4
Assessment of CAS application and documents
Once you have completed and supplied the relevant documents to your CAS application, the CAS team will assess all the provided information. This can take up to two weeks form the date of completion.
Stage 5
CAS application outcome
There can be a number of outcomes to the CAS application:
- If the CAS team approves the CAS application and your offer is unconditional already, we will endeavour to issue the CAS within 48 hours provided we do not need any other evidence.
- The CAS team may also request additional documents if needed at this stage based upon your answers.
- The CAS team may also request a Pre-CAS interview at this stage and instructions will be sent to you.
Stage 6
CAS statement issued
Once all checks have been completed and your offer is unconditional already, the CAS team will issue the CAS statement. The CAS statement will come via email from cas@surrey.ac.uk. We aim to issue a CAS within 48 hours after all the above stages having been passed.
Please note: we do not issue PDF CAS statements, the CAS statement will be issued via email only.
Stage 7
Check CAS statement
You are required to check your CAS statement carefully and notify the CAS team of any errors and amendments, this can be done by emailing cas@surrey.ac.uk.
If you have asked for any amendments, please do not use your CAS until the CAS team have confirmed they have amended the CAS statement. Please note you may not receive a new CAS statement as you may just receive an email detailing any amendments.
Stage 8
Submit visa application
You submit your visa application with the UKVI.