Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires every public authority to adopt a Publication Scheme.
What is a publication scheme?
The Publication Scheme is a document which sets out the kinds of information that a public authority makes routinely available, or intends to publish. It also specifies how the information it describes can be accessed and whether a charge will be made.
The University of Surrey has adopted the model publication scheme prepared for the higher education sector and is committed to publishing the information it describes. The Publication Scheme is intended to help staff, students, prospective students and members of the public to find the information they are interested in.
If you would prefer to receive the information in a paper copy, please contact the Information Compliance Unit who will arrange for copies of the relevant web pages to be sent to you. A single copy of the information will be supplied free of charge.
A very small amount of the information is available in paper copy only. Where this is the case, please request copies. Please give your name, telephone number or email address as well as a postal address in case the University needs to clarify your request.
Information Governance
C/o Cervus Plus Ltd
Duke of Kent Building
University of Surrey
Email: dataprotection@surrey.ac.uk
If you have a disability and require information to be presented in a particular format, please contact the Information Compliance Unit:
Information Governance
C/o Cervus Plus Ltd
Duke of Kent Building
University of Surrey
Email: dataprotection@surrey.ac.uk
The information supplied through the Publication Scheme is protected by copyright. Where the copyright belongs to the University of Surrey the information may be used for personal non-commercial use.
It is not to be modified, reproduced, transmitted, published, or otherwise made available without the consent of the University. Should the University give consent to re-use the information, the University must be credited as such.
Feedback and comments
If you find any problems with the Scheme or there are any areas that require further explanation, please let us know. Any questions, comments or complaints about this Scheme should be sent to:
Information Governance
C/o Cervus Plus Ltd
Duke of Kent Building
University of Surrey
Email: dataprotection@surrey.ac.uk
Accessing information included in the Publication Scheme
The Publication Scheme is divided into seven sections. Each section contains classes of information. For each class the Publication Scheme contains a description of the information published by the University which fits into that class, the format in which the information is available and whether a charge will be made for supplying that information.
Most of the information described in the Publication Scheme is available online through the University of Surrey website. Occasionally the link will be to the website of an external organisation. In these cases, provision of the information is the responsibility of that organisation and not of the University.
Legal information
Information relating to the legal and corporate status of the institution.
Institution organisation
Information about the management structure of the institution.
- Our history
- Officers of the University
- Executive Board
- Statutory bodies and committees
- Members of the Council
- Senate
- Ethics Committee
- Education Committee
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
- Vice-Chancellor's Office.
Central services
- Archives and special collections
- Estates and Facilities Management
- Faith and spirituality
- IT Services
- Insurance
- Library
- Procurement
- Research
- Security
- Student Health Centre.
Information relating to organisations which the University has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors and companies wholly owned by it.
Student activities
Information in this class relates to financial information such as projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement contracts and financial audit.
Student fees and funding
Information on the sources of funding and income, such as funding council grants, tuition fees, endowment, rents and investment income (including investment strategy).
University's financial statements
Annual statement of accounts and other information that allows the public to see where money is being spent, where it is or has been planned to spend it and the difference between one and another.
Procurement and tender procedures
Details of procedures used for the acquisition of goods and services.
Information in this class concerns strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
Annual reports
Annual reports produced by the University.
Corporate, business and teaching plans
Strategies produced by the University.
- Corporate strategy
- Research and innovation strategy
- Education strategy
- Global strategy
- Human resources strategy
- Student experience strategy.
Academic quality and standards
Information about the University’s internal procedures for assuring academic quality and standards and qualitative data on the quality and standards of learning and teaching.
Links with employers
Information relating to the University’s links with employers and the development of learning programmes.
Government and regulatory reports
Accreditation and monitoring reports by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies and information that an institution is legally obliged to make available to its funding and/or monitoring bodies.
Information in this class concerns decision making processes and records of decisions.
Minutes of university committee meetings
Information in this class relates to current written protocols,policies and procedures for delivering the University's services and responsibilities.
University business
Codes of practice, memoranda of understanding, procedural rules, standing orders and similar information. Procedures for handling requests for information are included.
- University policies
- IT instructions for students
- Freedom of information
- Charter, statutes and ordinances.
University of Surrey Quality Framework
Some of these policies may already be covered in class two “What our priorities are and how we are doing” in the context of external review and academic quality and standards. Additional policies under this heading may include such matters as policies and procedures relating to honorary degrees, procedures for changing course, regulations and policy on student assessment, appeal procedures and policy on breach of assessment regulations.
Student services
Policies and procedures relating to student admission and registration, accommodation, management of the student records system, assessment of external qualifications, internal student complaints and appeals and student discipline.
- Information for students
- General regulations
- Information for students with disabilities
- Student numbers
- Undergraduate and postgraduate financial support
- Assessments
- Awards
- Student Fee and Debt Management Policy (PDF)
- Graduation
- Professional Training placements
- Regulations
- Accommodation
- Hospitality and catering sustainability policy (PDF)
- English language support
- Students with disability and neurodiversity
- Distance learning students
- Centre for Wellbeing
- Student Health Centre
- Advice and information
- Employability and careers
- Faiths and spirituality
- IT services
- Library support services
- Library policies and regulations
- Campus Safety
- Surrey Sports Park.
Human resources
This includes the full range of human resources policies and procedures such as generic terms and conditions of employment, collective bargaining and consultation with trade unions, grievance, disciplinary, harassment and bullying, public interest disclosure, staff development (such as induction, probation, appraisal, promotions)
- Adoption, Foster to Adopt and Surrogacy Policy (PDF)
- Associate Staff Employment Guidelines (PDF)
- Associate Staff Terms of Employment (PDF)
- Competency Framework (PDF)
- Data Protection Policy (PDF)
- Intellectual Property Code Including Patents (PDF)
- Management of Work Related Stress Policy (PDF)
- Maternity Leave (PDF)
- Paternity (PDF)
- Procurement and Management of Temporary Workers (PDF)
- Shared Parental Leave (PDF)
- Staff Learning and Development PDF)
- Staff Handbook (PDF)
- Visiting Academic Staff Procedures (PDF)
- Working Practice of Major Incident/Event/Adverse Weather (PDF)
- Working Time Directive (PDF).
Procedures and policies relating to recruitment.
Conduct of members of governing bodies
Equality and diversity
Includes policies, statements, procedures and guidelines relating to equal opportunities.
Health and safety
- Asbestos Management (PDF)
- Biosafety and Biosecurity (PDF)
- Code of Practice for Working Safely with Lasers (PDF)
- Controlled Drugs Safe Custody (PDF)
- Electrical Safety (PDF)
- Fire Safety (PDF)
- Food Safety (PDF)
- Hazardous Substances Control (PDF)
- Hazardous Working (PDF)
- Health and Safety (PDF)
- Management of Health and Safety for Work and Services Contractors (PDF)
- Management of Work Related Stress (PDF)
- Smoking (PDF).
Estate management
Includes disposals policy, estates strategy and plan, facilities management policies, grounds and building maintenance.
- Estate and facilities management
- Landscape management
- Information for suppliers
- Traffic regulations (PDF).
Includes policies covering requests for information and operating the Publication Scheme.
Records management and personal data policies
Includes information security policies, records retention and archive policies and data protection policies.
Research policy and strategy
Includes policy and procedures relating to intellectual property, ethics committee terms of reference, applications and their approval, strategy and procedures relating to knowledge transfer and enterprise.
- Research and innovation strategy
- Open research
- Code on Good Research Practice (PDF)
- Ethics Policy (PDF)
- Intellectual Property Code Including Patents (PDF)
- Research directory.
Charging regimes
Information in this class relates to that held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to our functions.
- Asset registers - contact the Information Compliance team at dataprotection@surrey.ac.uk
- Register of gifts and hospitality - contact the Ethical Conduct team at secretariat@surrey.ac.uk
- Register of interests - contact the Head of Governance Services at r.allen@surrey.ac.uk.
Information in this class concerns the services we offer internationally, nationally and locally.
Undergraduate and postgraduate prospectus
Services for outside bodies
- Alumni and friends
- Employability and careers
- Events
- Information for employers
- Library membership
- National Resource Centre for Dance
- School and colleges
- Services for businesses
- Support our current students
- Visit the University.
Course content
Welfare, counselling and medical services
- Advice and information
- International students
- Support services
- Student Health Centre
- Welfare and support in accommodation.
Faith and spirituality
Services for which the University is entitled to recover a fee.
- Accommodation fees
- Campus card
- Conference facilities
- Distance Learners' Information Service
- Interlibrary loans
- Library fines and charges
- Library membership
- Parking charges
- Printing charges
- Tuition fees.
Sports and recreational facilities
University library archives and research
Advice for students
- Student platform
- Academic skills and development
- Accommodation
- Campus life
- Disability and neurodiversity
- Exams and assessments
- Graduation
- IT
- Money
- Research
- Studying
- Transport
- Visas and immigration
- Wellbeing.