Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires every public authority to adopt a Publication Scheme.

What is a publication scheme?

The Publication Scheme is a document which sets out the kinds of information that a public authority makes routinely available, or intends to publish. It also specifies how the information it describes can be accessed and whether a charge will be made.

The University of Surrey has adopted the model publication scheme prepared for the higher education sector and is committed to publishing the information it describes. The Publication Scheme is intended to help staff, students, prospective students and members of the public to find the information they are interested in.

Feedback and comments

If you find any problems with the Scheme or there are any areas that require further explanation, please let us know. Any questions, comments or complaints about this Scheme should be sent to:

Information Governance
C/o Cervus Plus Ltd
Duke of Kent Building
University of Surrey


Accessing information included in the Publication Scheme

The Publication Scheme is divided into seven sections. Each section contains classes of information. For each class the Publication Scheme contains a description of the information published by the University which fits into that class, the format in which the information is available and whether a charge will be made for supplying that information.

Most of the information described in the Publication Scheme is available online through the University of Surrey website. Occasionally the link will be to the website of an external organisation. In these cases, provision of the information is the responsibility of that organisation and not of the University.