Accommodation Services privacy notice

The University of Surrey is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (our notification number is Z6346945), and we are committed to ensuring that the data we process is handled in accordance with data protection legislation.

We have a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted via

One of our responsibilities is to tell you about the different ways we collect and use your personal data. This statement provides details about these uses. In addition to this statement, you may be given further information about the uses of your personal data when you use certain services offered by the University of Surrey.

What information do we collect from you?

Accommodation Services holds and processes personal data about staff, students and visitors. The data that we process to enable us to provide you with accommodation services is stored on our Kinetics database.

Please see the below schedule for a breakdown of personal data that we process and our basis for doing so. Please note that this is neither an exclusive nor exhaustive list, but provides a comprehensive overview.

Other ways of collecting data

We receive data from you when you:

We may also collect information relating to you internally within the University including from:

  • Academic Registry
  • OSCAR Student Services and Administration (student staff disciplinary matters)
  • Disability and Neurodiversity (disability adjustments)
  • Wardens (provision of assistance and in respect of disciplinary and wellbeing matters)
  • Security Services (provision of assistance and in respect of disciplinary and wellbeing matters and the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of offences).

And from external third parties including:

  • Colleagues/peers/family members/friends when booking guest rooms or rooms for summer visitors
  • Police.