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Past events
Take a look at events we have held over the years.
The thirty-fourth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 5th March 2025 with Dr Issy Bray, Associate Professor, Centre for Public Health and Wellbeing, UWE Bristol and Ben McCallan, Green Futures Engagement Lead, Surrey County Council & Founder, Zero Carbon Guildford
This UGPN webinar was held on Wednesday, 19th February 2025 with Prof Xavier Matilla Ayala, Architect, Urban Planner and Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya presenting 'Creating proximity conditions' and Alejandra Betancourt, PhD Student, North Carolina State University introducing 'Urban forests in Raleigh. Equally distributed?'
The thirty-third RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 5th February 2025 with Dr Jannis Wenk, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Water Innovation and Research Centre, University of Bath and Andrew K Palmer, Doctoral Researcher, University of Liverpool & Natural England

This event held on the 30th January 2025 at the University of Surrey in Guildford offered a unique opportunity to share best practices around blue, green and grey infrastructures with city officials, business and industry professionals, NGOs, and academics who share a passion for fostering greener, more resilient, and prosperous communities
Watch the Highlights
The thirty-second RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 15th January 2025 with Charlotte Glazier, Founder, UK Pocket Parks and Daniel Green, Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University
The thirty-first RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 4th December 2024 with Dr Madhusudan Katti, Associate Professor, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University and Dr Marco Aurélio de Menezes Franco, Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo.
The thirtieth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 6th November 2024 with Carl McClean, International Development Manager for the Green Flag Award, Keep Britain Tidy and Dr Jim Parker, Reader, Leeds Sustainability Institute, Leeds Beckett University
The twenty-ninth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024 with Professor Glenn McGregor, Professor of Climatology and Principal of Ustinov College, Department of Geography, Durham University and Sasha Gibb, Public Art and Engagement, Public Voice
The twenty-eighth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 4th September 2024 with Dr Julie Futcher, URBAN GENERATION Co-founder and Dr Thomas Kjeldsen, Senior Lecturer, University of Bath, Trustee of Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust
The twenty-seventh RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 7th August 2024 with Jo Bradley, Director of Operations, Stormwater Shepherds and Professor Ian Mell, Professor in Environmental & Landscape Planning, University of Manchester.
The twenty-sixth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 4th July 2024 with Tom Palmer, Senior Engineer, Highways and Coastal, Neighbourhoods and Environment, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Dr Karina Corada-Perez, Air Quality & Green Infrastructure Research Fellow, Sustainability Research Institute, University of East London.
The twenty-fifth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 5th June 2024 with Professor Darren Woolf, Head of Building Physics, UK Urban Environmental Quality and Howard Gray, Business Relationship Specialist, GreenBlue Urban.

This event held on the 23rd May 2024 at the Barbican Centre in London offers a unique opportunity to share best practices around blue, green and grey infrastructures with city officials, business and industry professionals, NGOs, and academics who share a passion for fostering greener, more resilient, and prosperous communities. Additionally, it will showcase artists work around GBGI, research conducted within the network, and you will hear from councils sharing their experience of implementing GBGI policies in their community.
The twenty-fourth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 1st May 2024 with Dr Alessio Russo, Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia, and Professor Laurence Jones, group Leader - Wetlands, grasslands and croplands, UKCEH and Dr Stefano Barchiesi, Ecosystem Services Officer, BirdLife International
The twenty-third RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 10th April 2024 with Dr Louise Firth, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sustainability, University College Cork, Ireland, and Tom Wild, Principal Investigator for the Horizon 2020 project Conexus, Department of Landscape Architecture at University of Sheffield
The twenty-second RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 6th March 2024 with Dr Sofie Roberts, Research Officer, Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, Bangor, and Professor Lorenzo Fioramonti, Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainability, University of Surrey
The twenty-first RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 7th February 2024 with Thuy Nguyen, PhD Candidate at London Imperial, and McKenna Davis, Senior Fellow, Coordinator Nature-based Solutions, Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany
The twentieth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 with Shelly Dewhurst, Green Infrastructure Programme Manager at the Bath & North East Somerset Council, and Dr. Sisay Debele, Research Fellow at the Global Centre for Clean Air Research at the University of Surrey.
The nineteenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 06 December 2023 with Stella Schroeder, researcher at the University of Bio-Bio, Chile, and Dr Abhijith Kooloth Valappil, Research Fellow at the Global Centre for Clean Air Research at the University of Surrey.
The eighteenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 01 November 2023 with Dr Richard Baldauf from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Professor K. Max Zhang, Irving Porter Church Professor of Engineering from Cornell University as key speakers.
The seventeenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 04 October 2023 with Dr Michael Hutchins, Water Quality Modeller, and Dr Janice Scheffler, Air Quality Modeller, both from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology as key speakers.

RECLAIM (Reclaiming Forgotten Cities – Turning cities from vulnerable spaces to healthy spaces for people) is a £1.2m EPSRC-funded Network Plus grant. It is led by the University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Universities of Bath, Bangor and Warwick.
RECLAIM Network Plus is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for towns and cities to find the information and support you need to install green and blue infrastructure in your communities and to put you in touch with others with similar experiences.
This conference provided an opportunity for us to showcase research undertaken so far across the network as well as to network with city officials, people from business and industry, NGO’s and academics from right across the globe who have a passion for making communities greener, more resilient and prosperous.
You can find the agenda, recordings of the sessions and PDF versions of the presentations and posters in the link below.
The sixteenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 06 September 2023 with Dr Tristan Kershaw, Associate Professor in Climate Resilience at University of Bath and Professor Fang Wang, Professor at Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences as key speakers.
The fifteenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 02 August 2023 with Professor Maria de Fatima Andrade, RECLAIM Advisory Board Member, professor in the Atmospheric Sciences Department, the University of São Paulo, Brazil and Rene Lindsay Sommer, Principal Urban Designer, SNC-Lavalin/Atkins as key speakers.
The fourteenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 05 July 2023 with Gwilym Owen, RECLAIM Advisory Board Member, Resilience Officer at Cardiff Council and Simon Dooley, Team Leader Flood and Coastal Risk Management at Cardiff Council as key speakers.
The thirteenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 07 June 2023 with Dr Andrea Berardi, co-director at the Cobra Collective CIC and Gillian Dick, Spatial Planning Manager – Research & Development at Glasgow City Council as key speakers.
India's struggle to reduce dangerous levels of air pollution is at a tipping point. According to the World Health Organization, 15 out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India, exposing over 660 million people to unhealthy air that fails to meet India’s National Air Quality standards for Particulate Matter. Dr Khan's talk will be on the existing level of Air Quality, Sources, Action Taken, Challenges and way forward for sustained progress.
Read more here.
This visit was made possible through a Fellowship awarded by Surrey's Institute of Advanced Studies.
The twelfth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 03 May 2023 with Dr. María del Carmen Redondo Bermúdez from University of Sheffield and Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures and Dr.habil. Luis Inostroza from the Faculty of Regional Studies and International Development at Mendel University in Brno as key speakers.
The eleventh RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 05 April 2023 with Associate Professor Sebastian Pfautsch from Western Sydney University and Professor Steffen Lehmann from UNLV School of Architecture, si_architecture + urban design LLC and director of Urban Futures Lab as key speakers.
Dr Sebastian Pfautsch's visit to GCARE was made possible through a Fellowship awarded by Surrey’s Institute of Advanced Studies.

Urban overheating is a global phenomenon. Driven by densification and expansion of cities the phenomenon is accelerated by regional climate change impacts. In this talk, Associate Professor Pfautsch will explain how the issue of urban overheating is tackled at Sydney Olympic Park. His project, called SIMPaCT (Smart Irrigation Management for Parks and Cool Towns), combines environmental sensing, machine learning and geo-spatial modelling to maximise transpiration cooling, turning a 42-hectare parkland into a natural air conditioning system.
Read more here.
This visit was made possible through a Fellowship awarded by Surrey's Institute of Advanced Studies.
The tenth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 01 March 2023 with Dr Daniel Evans, 75th Anniversary Research Fellow, Cranfield University and Dr Ross Stirling, Director of the UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility, Newcastle University as key speakers.

The ninth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 01 February 2023 with Angus Cunningham is the CEO and founder of Scotscape and Maarten van Reeuwijk, professor in urban fluid mechanics in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London as key speakers.

The eighth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday, 04 January 2023 with Dr John Gallagher Assistant Professor, Trinity College, Dublin and Dr Sarah Ward, Researcher and Practitioner, West Country Rivers Trust as key speakers.

The seventh RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 7 December with Professor Paul Monks, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Professor Christopher Rogers, University of Birmingham as key speakers.

Our Innovation Exploratorium interactive research exhibits, held at the University of Surrey campus, are designed to showcase the very best of our findings in a physical and interactive format.
Understand how the built environment affects the local climate and how nature can benefit your wellbeing. These interactive research exhibits focus on two areas:
Professor Prashant Kumar’s research on urban heat islands
Engage with steps you can take to reduce the heat impacts on urban environments of modern life.
Dr Tracy Xu’s work in nature and wellbeing
Explore how bringing nature into your life can boost your wellbeing.

The sixth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 2 November with Dr Priyanka Jamwal, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) and Dr Tse-Hui Teh, UCL as key speakers.

The fifth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 5 October with Dr Nasrin Aghamohammadi, University of Malay and Professor Thora Tenbrink, Bangor University as key speakers.

The fourth RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 7 September with Richard Sabin, Managing Director, Biotecture, UK and Dr Amy Oen, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway as key speakers.

The third RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 3 August with Professor Rakesh Mishra, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield and Dr Richard Baldauf, United States Environmental Protection Agency as key speakers.

The second RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 6 July with Marc Barra, Urban Ecologoist, Paris Region Institute and Professor Eiman Kanjo, Pervasive Sensing, Nottingham Trent University as key speakers.

The first RECLAIM webinar was held on Wednesday 8 June with Dr Tiajana Blanusa, RHS Principal Horticultural Scientist and Dr Netsanet Mebrate, Product Owner at Causeway Technologies as key speakers.
The RECLAIM network will be a 'one stop shop’ for towns and cities to find the information and support people need to install green and blue infrastructure in communities and put people in touch with others with similar experiences.
This welcome event held on Friday 6 May, introduced the network and the opportunities available through it over the course of its lifetime.
The in-home air quality across 12 global cities (PDF) and passive indoor air pollution control in ventilation systems (PDF) talks were the seventh in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 25 March 2022 with guest speakers Professor Prashant Kumar and Professor Aonghus McNabola.
The indoor air quality in kitchens of low income homes in Cairo (PDF) and indoor aerosol exposure in Sulaimani city, Kurdistan-Iraq (PDF) talks were the sixth in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 18 February 2022 with guest speakers Professor Ahmed El-Gandy, Professor Khalid Omer and Dr Kosar Hama Aziz.
The mitigating strategies of Covid-19 infection transmission indoors (PDF) and current status and challenges of air quality monitoring in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PDF) talks were the fifth in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 14 January 2022 with guest speakers Professor Shi-Jie Cao and Dr Vera Ngowi.
The state of indoor air pollution and its health effect in Ethiopia (PDF) and Indoor air quality: Awareness, health impact, and scientific mitigation techniques across Africa (PDF) talks were the fourth in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 17 December 2021 with guest speakers Professor Araya Asfaw, Dr Francis Olawale Abulude and Dr Adedeji A. Adelodun.
The Third Street-scale greening for cooling and clean air in cities (SCAN) webinar was held on Wednesday 1 December 2021, this webinar followed up from the second.
The indoor air quality management in microenvironments (PDF) and indoor air quality and associated health impacts in Dhaka Bangladesh (PDF) talks were the third in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 19 November 2021 with guest speakers Professor Shiva Nagendra and Professor Abdus Salam.
The monitoring indoor air quality in Colombia (PDF) and air quality in the microenvironment of Schools in the largest megacity in South America (PDF) talks were the second in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 29 October 2021 with guest speakers Professor Yris Olaya and Professor Maria de Fátima Andrade.
PhD student Ashish Sharma from our Centre presented a webinar on mitigating air pollution exposure to the young children through the Institution of Environmental Sciences on Wednesday 20 October 2021.
The indoor air: from science to policy (PDF) talk was the first in the Global Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Infection webinar series, held on 13 October 2021 with guest speaker Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska.
The monthly webinar series was part of the EPSRC/Surrey supported Official Development Assistance (ODA) project “Knowledge transfer and practical application of research on indoor air quality (KTP-IAQ)”. It brought together speakers from a number of GCARE's collaborative institutions across the world, including partners from the GCRF supported CArE-Homes (and CArE-Cities) projects that have been successful in monitoring household air pollution in several low-income homes in 12 cities across 12 ODA countries.
It served as a knowledge exchange platform across the ODA countries with the aim to share and discuss state-of-the-art best practices on indoor air quality and respiratory infection globally. The series exploited this knowledge by presenting the take of science during the global pandemic where indoor environments became even more important than ever. Such knowledge exchange will surely make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of people.
The Second Street-scale greening for cooling and clean air in cities (SCAN) webinar was held on Tuesday 29 June 2021, this webinar followed up from the first.
The street-scale greening for cooling and clean air in cities (SCAN) webinar was held on Tuesday 4 March 2021, this webinar had the slogan, green street, clean air street.
The Second Clean Air Engineering for Cities (CArE-Cities) workshop was held on Thursday 20 June 2019, this workshop followed up from the first.
The Clean Air Engineering for Cities (CArE-Cities) workshop was held on Wednesday 10 April 2019, this workshop looked at a collaborative effort towards ‘clean air for all.’
In collaboration with the Burpham Community Association, we invited the public to our air pollution workshop on reducing air pollution.
The 3rd International Conference on air quality management was held in India on 6 December 2018. Prashant Kumar was invited to talk at the event.
We held our second Citizen Science Workshop on 3 December 2018, which was part of the 'improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe' (iSCAPE) project.
On 12 November 2018, the iSCAPE Guildford team led by Professor Prashant Kumar organised the first Citizen Science Workshop. The aim of this workshop was to bring citizens and researchers together to address the issues of air pollution.
This event took place on Tuesday 10 July 2018 at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Take a look at the UK-Egypt workshop page for more information.
On 10 May 2018, the iSCAPE mid-term event was held in Bologna, Italy.
This was the launch event of the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) Annual Conference. It took place 9 - 11 April 2018.
This event took place on Tuesday 6 June 2017 here at the University of Surrey. For more information take a look at the workshop programme.
This event took place on 3-5 April 2017 at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. For more information take a look at the University Global Partnership Network page.
This event took place on Friday 10 March 2017 at the TERI University in New Delhi, India. To find out more take a look at the TERI University event.