e3i is a framework which will invigorate research in the Faculty and will provide an opportunity both to showcase our considerable successes and for our established researchers to share their experience with newer colleagues.
Educate, inform, inspire, influence
The programme brings together existing events in the HR, RIS, Staff Development and Researcher Development calendars and newly-developed FEPS-specific workshops, lunchtime seminars and research symposia.
These events are broadly themed around the following elements:
The main purpose of the ‘Educate’ element is to share best practice in bid development through a wide range of faculty- and university-led courses and workshops. This also includes the FEPS HR Researcher Induction Programme, which is aimed at supporting ECRs and those researchers new to the faculty on arrival and throughout their first year.
‘Inform’ events aim to develop an understanding of the research environment, including funding, research outputs, data management issues and research integrity. A series of seminars and workshops will focus on topics such as research outcomes reporting, bid development, research data management and training sessions for post-graduate supervisors.
The core of the ‘Inspire’ element is the Surrey Sevens symposium series highlighting FEPS research strengths and success stories, as well as facilitating cross-faculty collaborations in line with FEPS research themes.
Key strands of the e3i ‘Influence’ element include awareness of research strategy and raising the faculty’s external profile.
Seminars and workshops
Idea generator sessions
Date and time: Bookable on request
Event: Session
Speaker: FEPS early career researchers panel: Researcher Development Team, Jess Guennewich and FEPS academics
Venue: By arrangement
Contact: Email Jess Guennewich if you wish to pitch your idea or join the panel.
Surgeries and one to one support
Pre-award hot desking: one to one technical bid advice and costings
Date and time: Thursdays at 10am - 12 noon
Event: Drop in surgery
Speaker: Pre-award team (Research Finance)
Venue: 16 BB 04
Contact: Drop in or book ahead by emailing research-support@surrey.ac.uk.
Designing impact: Discuss the impact pipeline of our work and learn more about the University's Impact Acceleration Account
Date and time: Tuesdays at 10am - 12 noon
Event: Drop in surgery
Speaker: Megan Beynon (Business Insights Lab) / Peter Lancaster (Knowledge Exchange Manager)
Venue: 16 BB 04
Contact: Drop in or book ahead by emailing Megan Beynon.
EPSRC new investigator awards support
Date and time: Bookable on request
Event: One to one support
Speaker: Jess Guennewich Research Facilitation Officer
Venue: N/A
Contact: Email Jess Guennewich.
Research professional: Personalised funding alerts
Date and time: Bookable on request
Event: One to one support
Speaker: Jess Guennewich Research Facilitation Officer
Venue: N/A
Contact: Email Jess Guennewich.
ResearchFish research: Advice on adding your research outcomes
Date and time: Bookable on request
Event: One to one support
Speaker: Jess Guennewich Research Facilitation Officer
Venue: N/A
Contact: Email Jess Guennewich.