Meet the FEDIC team
The Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (FEDIC) embraces the challenge of making a positive difference to the culture of the Faculty and will work together to deliver focused actions to improve the experiences and perceptions of our diverse community.
Meet the team

Professor Annika Bautz
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences

Ruth Gill
Director of Faculty Operations

Rabbi Alexander Goldberg
Faith and Belief representative
Dr Simona Guerra
Politics representative

Michael Hassell
University Equality and Diversity representative

Dr YingFei Heliot
Surrey Business School representative

Dr Alexandros Mandilaras
Economics representative

Dr Chris Mark
Music and Media representative

Professor Emma Mayhew
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education (interim) Professor of Pedagogy in Politics and International Relations

Professor Catherine McNamara
Guildford School of Acting (GSA) representative

Dr Francesca Menichelli
Sociology representative

Lois Moor
HR Manager

Louise Power
Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity Manager

Dr Vickie Thanapal
Surrey Law School representative

Professor Iis Tussyadiah
Surrey Hospitality and Tourism Management representative

Professor Diane Watt
Literature and Languages representative
Committee Secretary

Milda Balse
Faculty Operations Officer