10am - 3pm UK

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Improvement Community of Practice.​ Knowledge Exchange Workshop, September 11, 2024

Improvement Community of Practice.​ Knowledge Exchange Workshop 
Workshop 1 – Introduction to Systems Thinking for Business Improvement​
September 11, 2024, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Convenors: Dr Tammi Sinha, Nige Ward, Heather Dobby

Organising by: The Centre for Business Analytics in Practice (CBAP), Surrey Business School, UK

Unleash your problem-solving potential by joining a workshop of our 2024 Improvement Community of Practice program! Hosted by the University of Surrey’s Centre for Business Analytics in Practice. This year, we are exploring the transformative power of systems thinking for business improvement. This event will convene a cohort of businesses and academics to explore and test tools for improvement using systems thinking.​

"A Community of Practice unites practitioners passionate about their discipline, who want to share expertise and learn from one another. Interacting in an environment for collectively building, sharing and applying knowledge and skills in key areas like improvement, lean practices, change management, sustainability, and systems thinking“

Important date:

  • Registration Deadline: August 24, 2024 (Spaces are limited, please reserve a place at https://forms.office.com/e/cFRSvSVwhd)
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2024
  • Workshop Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 [0930 (registration) 1000 - 1500]

Venue: Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Register here: https://forms.office.com/e/cFRSvSVwhd ​(Deadline: August 24, 2024)

Contact: Dr Tammi Sinha (t.sinha@surrey.ac.uk)


Surrey Business School
University of Surrey

Registration Deadline: August 24, 2024