12:30pm - 1:30pm BST

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Sixteenth RECLAIM webinar - Urban Heat Islands & Soil Environment

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12.30pm - 12:35pm


Professor Prashant Kumar and RECLAIM Team

12.35pm - 12:55pm

Utilising Green and Blue Infrastructure to mitigate the Urban Heat Island and Promote Climate Resilience

Dr Tristan Kershaw, Associate Professor in Climate Resilience, University of Bath

12.55pm - 1:15pm

Soil environment and sustainable development

Professor Fang Wang, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1:15pm - 1:25pmQ&A
1.25pm - 1:30pmAnnouncement of next webinar and close

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This webinar will be held on Teams. Please register your place so you can attend.