3pm - 4pm

Wednesday 30 September 2020

A career in Data Science: where to even begin!

A seminar in the Applied Statistics Seminar Series designed to give undergraduate mathematics with statistics students a broader knowledge of the applications of statistics.

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University of Surrey
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Typing Data Science into a search engine generates a seemingly infinite number of different results; where are you supposed to even begin looking? The plethora of articles, books, TedTalks, job roles, job descriptions, and courses can make it feel slightly overwhelming. At University, you’re learning about statistical methods and theories that are just that, theories and questions, and it’s hard to imagine what that could look like in the real world.

At Medialab, we know that information is not the same thing as understanding. We know that facts and figures are not insights. We know that observations may be interesting, but they do not spark transformative ideas. And we know that data is at the heart of every intellectual decision!

Join us as we talk about the exciting modern data streams we use to answer our client’s complex business questions and where to start when thinking about a career in Data Science.

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