We are involved in numerous projects that deal with global climate change, food legalisation, regulations on food safety and hygiene, forestry and oil exploitation in developing countries and regulatory frameworks for independent water providers in developing countries.
Research areas
Climate change
We are investigating local and global climate change regulatory frameworks and the legal implications of climate measures based on sustainable consumption models. This is being investigated in the context of the international trade regime. Furthermore, work has been undertaken on the emerging linkages between climate and energy security, such as the links between energy security, rural development and sustainable tourism.
Environmental and public health
We are working on the enforcement of food legislation and the implementation of EU regulations on food safety and hygiene in the UK, the regulation of the use of nanotechnologies for environmental and health protection and aspects of environmental health involving local pollution, such as noise and contaminated land.
Natural resources
We are investigating forestry and oil exploitation in developing countries looking at the necessary legal paths that would open the way to sustainable forest management, sustainable use of the remaining natural resources and new forms of agriculture involving foreign investment.
We are involved in exploring regulatory frameworks for independent water providers in developing countries, including Ethiopia and Kenya, and the international legal framework of transboundary groundwater aquifers with a particular focus on the Guarani Aquifer in South America.