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Public engagement

Experience the power of public engagement at this year's ESRC Festival of Social Science. 

The ESRC’s annual celebration of the social sciences runs from 19th October to 9th November 2024, offering a fascinating insight into some of the country's leading social science research and how it influences our social, economic and political lives. 

Why not play your part in creating meaningful public engagement by hosting an interactive event to inspire audiences, make valuable connections, and showcase your research? 

This year's festival theme is ‘Our Digital Lives’, exploring the relationship between humans and digital technology. Whilst the theme isn’t compulsory, events could cover topics such as;  

  • Opportunities, benefits or threats from digital technologies and how we can take advantage of or tackle these 
  • Teaching and developing digital skills 
  • How humans feel about technology 
  • What life might be like in the future thanks to technological developments 

Researchers from any discipline across the University of Surrey can take part if the activity or topic relates to social science or digital lives. 

Events should ideally be held off-campus and be targeted at the public and/or young people, though there is the option to deliver activities online and reach wider audiences. FOSS activities that include external partners and venues are generally the most effective, and the ESRC encourages collaborations with schools and colleges.  

Small funding grants will be awarded to event leaders to help with operational costs such as venue hire, refreshments, speaker fees, materials, or RA support. Marketing, media interviews, podcasting, event planning and festivals engagement training workshops will be provided free of charge in July 2024, to ensure you have the skills and tools to create, promote and deliver successful events.  

So, if you’re ready to take your research out into the world in new and creative ways, apply to take part in FOSS by completing the ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) form here.  

Get a flavour of the festival and its varied events by visiting 

Applications will be reviewed, and grants awarded on a rolling basis, with a deadline of Friday 28th June 2024.