About us
The Doctoral College supports the academic and professional development of postgraduate researchers and early career researchers and ensures our world-leading research continues to grow.
About the Doctoral College
The Doctoral College is developing a research environment with a cohesive community that connects supervisors, research support staff, postgraduate researchers and early career researchers across all three of the University faculties and provides outstanding support and services to all.
The Doctoral College serves as a hub, bringing together the key research services across Surrey and has also introduced new dedicated provisions to facilitate excellent supervision, deliver invaluable training and events, and enhance our postgraduate researchers’ employability skills.
Our vision
To create a Doctoral College to support researcher excellence and employability across the doctoral and early career stages of the researcher journey.
Our mission
The Doctoral College will play a pivotal role in building a cohesive and coherent community of doctoral and early career researchers, whilst also raising the profile of the University’s researcher support.
Our objectives
- To pro-actively manage the PGR / ECR lifecycle from first point of contact to graduation/end of contract
- To develop a supportive framework for supervisors and principal investigators that values their role and encourages continuous professional development
- To provide researcher development opportunities that enable PGRs and ECRs to develop a mastery of research methods and professional skills
- To support departments in building a research environment that nurtures and values the contribution of PGRs and ECRs
- To build a vibrant research community across the University, and beyond, that celebrates multi-disciplinarity
- To support PGRs and ECRs in forming and pursuing credible career plans and reflecting on these over time
- To develop a Doctoral College that is engaged with both internal and external partners, and is recognised as excellent within the sector for PGR and ECR support.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Doctoral College and the University of Surrey recognises the wealth of benefits to be gained from a diverse national and international University community in which every individual contribution is valued. We are committed to creating an environment where people are treated fairly and with respect and are able to work, study and contribute their individual talents to their maximum potential.
The University was awarded an Athena Swan bronze award in 2017. We are dedicated to providing learning support that is accessible to all, creating a culture that appreciates the benefits of diversity, and shaping an environment where all people are respected and treated fairly. Get further information on our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
The Surrey Black Scholars Programme provides Black and mixed-Black British students with the resources, support and environment necessary to achieve excellence and pursue rich and rewarding careers after graduation. This is achieved through fully funded studentships and a variety of initiatives designed to improve the attainment, wellbeing, and retention of Black and mixed-Black researchers within Surrey and the wider academy.