Services and support

Our experienced team are passionate about supporting disabled students, helping you achieve your potential and to fully participate in University life. If you are thinking of joining us do get in touch to ask any questions you may have relating to your disability. Once your place is confirmed we encourage you to register with us as soon as possible.

About our service

The Disability and Neuroinclusion team are experienced staff passionate about supporting disabled students at university. Our office is located on the first floor of the Library, at the centre of the Stag Hill campus.

All our students are offered an appointment with a Disability Adviser to create a tailored Learning Support Agreement, discuss further support you may need and offer advice on the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA). These appointments may be held remotely.

If you are entitled to one-to-one specialist study skills or mentoring from the University through the DSA, you can book your first session with one of our mentors. Sessions are scheduled to suit your timetable and may be held remotely.

We have close contacts throughout the University including the Exams, Graduation and Accommodation teams, the Centre for Wellbeing and each of the academic departments. We can aid you in accessing their services and to obtain the information you need as seamlessly as possible.

Get in contact

Please do get in contact at any stage during your application to discuss the support we can offer. We strongly recommend booking an appointment, so that we can ensure someone will be available to talk to you.

To contact us, complete our Disability and Neuroinclusion contact form or email us at From there, we can arrange a telephone call or a virtual appointment.

Available support

As we assess each student's needs individually, we are able to provide tailored support and adjustments for you. Below you will find the most common adjustments that are requested and offered for certain conditions. They are intended as a guide to inform you of some of the support we can offer but should not be considered comprehensive.

Every student at the University is offered a meeting with a Disability Adviser to create a Learning Support Agreement. We recommend contacting us during the application process to discuss your specific needs.