Materialising Media

Connie Golsteijn
Expecting to complete in early 2014
This project aims to study the affordances of physical and digital media and design novel products and systems that integrate physical and digital media practices in everyday lives, specifically in the area of craft practice. With current digital technologies, people have large archives of digital media, such as images and audio files, but there are only limited means to include these media in creative practices of crafting and making. Nevertheless, studies have shown that crafting with digital media often makes these media more cherished, and that people enjoy being creative with their digital media. This PhD aims to open up the way for novel ways of crafting, which include digital media in integrations with physical construction, here called ‘hybrid crafting’. Notions of hybrid crafting are explored to inform the design of products or systems that may support these new crafting practices. Through the development of design concepts and interactive prototypes, this PhD aims to gain insight in the characteristics of physical and digital crafting practices, how do design for integrated physical-digital (hybrid) crafting practices, and the characteristics of such hybrid crafting practices. This project is a cooperation of the Digital World Research Centre with Eindhoven University of Technology and is sponsored by Microsoft Research.
Publications about this project
Journal articles
Golsteijn, C., Hoven, E. van den, Frohlich, D. and Sellen, A. (2013). Hybrid crafting: towards an integrated practice of crafting with physical and digital components. Accepted for publication in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue: Material Interactions.
Conference proceedings
Golsteijn, C., and Wright, S. (2013). Using Narrative Research and Portraiture to Inform Design Research. To appear in Proceedings of the 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'13).
Golsteijn, C., Hoven, E. van den, Frohlich, D., and Sellen, A. (2012). Towards a more cherishable digital object. In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '12). ACM Press, pp. 655-664.
Golsteijn, C. (2012). Materializing and crafting cherished digital media. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '12). ACM Press, pp. 923-926.
Workshop papers
Golsteijn, C., Hoven, E. van den, Frohlich, D. and Sellen, A. (2013). Integrating technology in creative practice using ‘Materialise’. In Proceedings of the workshop ‘Crafting Interactive Systems: Learning from Digital Art Practice’ at the Computer-Human Interaction conference 2013 (CHI’13), 27 April 2013, Paris, France.
Other talks, demos, and poster presentations
Golsteijn, C. (2012). Materialising and Crafting Cherished Digital Media. Presentation and prototype demonstration for the Sociology Intellectual Party. July 3, 2012. Lancaster University, UK.
Golsteijn, C. (2012). Materialising and Crafting Digital Media. Presentation for the Socio-Digital Systems research group. June 6, 2012. Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK.
Golsteijn, C. (2012). Materializing and Crafting Cherished Digital Media. Presentation, and poster presentation for the Doctoral Consortium of the CHI 2012 conference. May 5-10, 2012. Austin, Texas, USA.
Golsteijn, C. (2012). Materialising and Crafting Treasured Digital Media. Poster Presentation for the Postgraduate Research conference. February 1, 2012. University of Surrey, UK.
Golsteijn, C. (2011). Materialising Media. Presentation in ‘PhD Madness’ for the DEVISE’11 HCI Training School. October 31, 2011. Bertinoro, Italy.
Golsteijn, C. (2011). Materialising Media. Presentation for the User-Centred Engineering research group, Department of Industrial Design. September 8, 2011. Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Golsteijn, C. (2011) Materialising Media. Poster presentation for the Microsoft Research Cambridge Summer School. June 27 – July 1, 2011. Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK.
Supervisors: Professor David Frohlich, Dr Elise van den Hoven and Dr Abigail Sellen
Contact: c.golsteijn@surrey.ac.uk